Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 6657-A—Regulations for Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States in Foreign Countries Due to Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in Their Relation to the American Dollar

March 27, 1934

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act entitled "An Act to authorize annual appropriations to meet losses sustained by officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies in their relation to the American dollar, and for other purposes", approved March 26, 1934, and in order to afford immediate relief, I prescribe the following temporary regulations, which shall apply to all officers, enlisted men, and employees of the United States while in service in foreign countries.


1. The words in the act "while in service in foreign countries", for the purpose of these regulations, shall be understood to mean (a) while employed in or on assignment or detail to a post of duty in a foreign country, (b) while en route through a foreign country or on a foreign vessel to or from such post, (c) while, during such assignment or detail abroad, on leave of absence with pay in a foreign country, (d) while traveling in foreign countries under official orders, or (e) while attached to and serving on board United States vessels stationed in foreign waters for not less than 30 consecutive days.


2. The purpose of these regulations is to provide for reimbursement to officers, enlisted men, and employees of the United States (hereinafter referred to as employees), for losses sustained from appreciation of foreign currencies in their relation to the American dollar, as authorized under the aforesaid act.


3. (a) The loss above referred to is that calculated on the basis of conversion into foreign currency of the employee's net salary and net allowances, except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) In case of employees serving under the War and Navy Departments (with the exception of military and naval attachés and other employees attached to their offices, who shall be governed by paragraph (a) of this section), the loss is that calculated on the basis of conversion into foreign currency of the employee's net pay and allowances.

(c) In case of employees traveling in foreign countries under official orders, not employed in or on assignment or detail to a post of duty in a foreign country, no part of the employee's salary shall be included in the loss referred to for the purposes of these regulations.

(d) In case of employees who sustained losses arising from the conversion of salaries or allowances (including those paid from fees either in foreign or American currency) during the period from July 15, 1933, to the effective date of this order, the losses shall be calculated as provided in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section. Claim for reimbursement for such loss shall be accompanied by the best evidence, available to the employee, of the rate at which conversion was made.

(e) As used in this section:

The term "net salary" means the base salary less any deduction for contribution to the retirement or other fund, or on account of percentage deductions in compensation.

The term "net allowances" means allowances paid to the employee.

The term "net pay and allowances" means the employee's full pay, including extra or additional pay, and all allowances (other than those furnished in kind) less deductions therefrom on account of allotments, fines and forfeitures, clothing, hospital, Civil Service Retirement Fund, percentage deductions in compensation, and other sundry checkages.


4. For the basis of computation of losses as referred to in the aforesaid act, the following rates are prescribed as the basic rates for foreign currencies:

Albania Gold Fr. 19.303
Argentina Peso 29.529
Austria Schilling 14.0177
Belgium Belga 13.9315
Bolivia Boliviano 36.5
Brazil Milreis 7.8883
Bulgaria Lev .7187
Canada Dollar 93.5456
Chile Peso 10.1827
China Yuan 23.5143
Colombia Peso 95.743
Costa Rica Colon 25.00
Cuba Peso 100.00
Czechoslovakia Koruna 2.9631
Danzig Gulden 19.4052
Denmark Krone 22.6408
Dominican Republic Dollar 100.00
Ecuador Sucre 20.00
Egypt Pound 428.6069
El Salvador Colon 50.00
Estonia Kroon 26.6161
Ethiopia M. T. Dollar 21.6288
France Franc 3.9243
France (Possessions)    
     Algiers Franc 3.9243
     Martinique Franc 3.9243
     Saigon Franc 3.9243
     Tahiti Franc 3.9243
     Tunis Franc 3.9243
Finland Markka 2.0674
Germany Reichsmark 23.74
Great Britain Pound 417.9441
Great Britain (Possessions)    
     Aden Rupee 31.4953
     Australia Pound 346.1882
     Barbados Dollar 76.36
     Belize Dollar 100.00
     Colombo Rupee 31.5507
     Gibraltar Pound 423.4492
     Hamilton, Bermuda Pound 417.9441
     Hong Kong Dollar 25.8643
     India Rupee 31.1568
     Kingston, Jamaica Pound 417.9441
     Lagos Pound 422.1153
     Malta Pound 423.0069
     Nassau Pound 417.9441
     Nairobi Pound 423.2107
     Newfoundland Dollar 100.00
     New Zealand Pound 357.9337
     Penang Dollar 48.2202
     Singapore Dollar 48.2202
     Trinidad Dollar 100.00
Greece Drachma 1.0784
Guatemala Quetzal 100.00
Haiti Gourde 20.00
Honduras Lempira 50.00
Hungary Pengo 17.4601
Iraq Pound 415.5385
Irish Free State Pound 417.9441
Italy Lira 5.1804
Japan Yen 39.7627
Latvia Lat 19.2915
Liberia Pound 399.00
Lithuania Litas 9.9969
Luxemburg Franc 2.69
Mexico Peso 35.5555
Morocco Franc 3.84
Netherlands Florin 40.2597
Netherlands (Possessions)    
     Surabaya Florin 40.2597
     Curaçao Florin 40.2597
     Batavia Florin 40.2597
     Medan Florin 40.2597
Nicaragua Cordoba 100.00
Norway Krone 22.4995
Palestine Pound 414.0787
Panama Balboa 100.00
Paraguay Peso 1.52
Persia Rial 5.539
Peru Sol 29.723
Poland Zloty 11.1939
Portugal Escudo 3.8608
Portugal (Possessions)    
     Lourenço Marques Pound 478.24
Rumania Leu .5957
Siam Baht 37.78
Spain Peseta 9.3863
Switzerland Gold franc 19.3961
Sweden Krona 22.8103
Syria Syrian Lb. 78.54
Turkey Lira 47.1906
Union So. Africa Pound 463.2315
Uruguay Peso 59.1743
U.S.S.R. Ruble 51.74
Venezuela Bolivar 18.71
Yugoslavia Dinar 1.6923
Yunnanfu Piaster 38.00



5. From and after the effective date of this order, each employee shall be entitled to receive in foreign currency such amount as he would have received by converting into such foreign currency, at the basic rates specified in section 4, his net salary and net allowances, or his net pay and allowances, as provided in section 3.


6. The foregoing regulations are temporary and subject to change hereafter, and for the purpose of further adjustment future orders or regulations may, with respect to compensation for exchange losses, be retroactive to the date of this order or to July 15, 1933.


7. This order shall take effect as of April 1, 1934.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
March 27, 1934.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 6657-A—Regulations for Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States in Foreign Countries Due to Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in Their Relation to the American Dollar Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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