By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act of June 25, 1910 (ch. 421, 36 Stat. 847), as amended by the act of August 24, 1912 (ch. 369, 37 Stat. 497), Executive Order No. 6910, of November 26, 1934, temporarily withdrawing for classification and other purposes all vacant, unreserved, and unappropriated public lands in certain States, is hereby revoked insofar as, and to the extent that, it affects the following-described island in Oregon:
Willamette Meridian
In T. 40 S., R. 14 W., sec. 35, SE¼, Goat Island, unsurveyed, as shown on U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle Gold Beach, Oregon, approximately 21 acres.
And by virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and in order to effectuate further the purposes of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act (ch. 257, 45 Stat. 1222), it is ordered that, subject to valid existing rights, the above-described island, so far as title thereto is in the United States, be, and it is hereby, withdrawn from settlement, location, sale, entry, or other form of appropriation under the public-land laws and reserved and set apart for the use of the Department of Agriculture as a refuge and breeding ground for wild birds and animals.
It is unlawful within this reservation: (a) to hunt, trap, capture, willfully disturb, or kill any wild animal or bird of any kind whatever, to take or destroy the nests or eggs of any wild bird, to occupy or use any part of the reservation, or to enter thereon for any purpose, except under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture; (b) to cut, bum, or destroy any timber, underbrush, grass, or other natural growth; (c) willfully to leave fire or to suffer it to bum unattended near any forest, timber, or other inflammable material; (d) after building a fire in or near any forest, timber, or other inflammable material, to leave it without totally extinguishing it; and (e) willfully to injure, molest, or destroy any property of the United States.
All persons are hereby informed that sections 52, 53 (as amended), and 84 (as amended) of the Criminal Code of the United States (secs. 106, 107, 145, title 18, U.S.C.), and section 14 of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act of February 18, 1929 (sec. 715m, title 16, U.S.C.), prescribe penalties for the commission of the offenses enumerated in the preceding paragraph.
This refuge shall be known as the Goat Island Migratory Bird Refuge.
The White House,
May 6, 1935.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7035—Establishing Goat Island Migratory Bird Refuge, Oregon Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project