Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 7058—Authorizing the Adoption of a Seal for the Federal Housing Administration

May 29, 1935

Whereas the National Housing Act, approved June 27, 1934 (48 Stat. 1246), authorizes the President to create a Federal Housing Administration and to appoint a Federal Housing Administrator to exercise all of the powers of said Administration; and

Whereas pursuant to such authorization I have heretofore created the Federal Housing Administration, and did on June 30, 1934, appoint as Federal Housing Administrator James A. Moffett, whose appointment was confirmed by the United States Senate on January 18, 1935, and who since his appointment has been acting as such Administrator; and

Whereas it has become necessary that the Federal Housing Administration have and use a seal for and in the proper exercise of its powers:

Now, Therefore, I hereby authorize the Federal Housing Administrator to cause to be made and to adopt for the Federal Housing Administration a seal of such device as he shall approve.

Copies of any books, records, papers, or documents of the Federal Housing Administration and copies of any agreements, orders, rules, or regulations entered into, issued, or prescribed under the National Housing Act by the Federal Housing Administrator, or by anyone duly authorized to act for him, shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof.

The Federal Housing Administrator, and any officer or agency designated by him for the purpose, are authorized to certify or exemplify for any purpose for which certification or exemplification may be required or necessary, copies of any books, records, papers, or documents of the Federal Housing Administration.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
May 29, 1935.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7058—Authorizing the Adoption of a Seal for the Federal Housing Administration Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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