Executive Order 7687—Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Certain Federal Employees on the Isthmus of Panama
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 3 of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930 (46 Stat. 470, U.S.C., title 5, sec. 693), and upon recommendation of the Civil Service Commission, the provisions of the said Act are hereby extended to apply to all federal employees on the Isthmus of Panama who are citizens of the United States and to whom the Canal Zone Retirement Act of March 2, 1931 (46 Stat. 1471, U.S.C., title 48, sec. 1371), does not apply and whose tenure of office or employment is not intermittent or of uncertain duration.
The White House,
August 10, 1937.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7687—Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Certain Federal Employees on the Isthmus of Panama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369001