Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 8883—Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the Department of the Navy as an Aircraft Bombing Site

September 03, 1941


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered that, subject to valid existing rights, the following-described public land be, and it is hereby, withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public-land laws, including the mining laws, and reserved for the use of the Department of the Navy as an aircraft bombing site:


T. 10 S., R. 10 E., sec. 10; containing 640 acres.

This order shall take precedence over, but shall not rescind or revoke, the Executive order of March 10, 1924, creating Public Water Reserve No. 90, so far as such order affects the above-described land. This order shall be subject to the order of the Secretary of the Interior of October 19, 1920, withdrawing certain lands under the provisions of the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), so far as such order affects the above-described land; and after the present national-defense emergency has been officially terminated, this order shall be without effect upon notice to the Department of the Navy by the Secretary of the Interior that the entire use of the above-described land is needed for reclamation purposes.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
September 3, 1941.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 8883—Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the Department of the Navy as an Aircraft Bombing Site Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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