Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 8938—Vesting Certain Powers in Warrant Officers of the Army

November 10, 1941

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 4 of the act of August 21, 1941, Public Law 230, 77th Congress, it is hereby ordered that whenever the duties assigned to warrant officers of the Army include (1) the command of stations, units, or detachments, (2) the disbursement and administration of funds, including the certification of vouchers and pay rolls, (3) the issue of travel orders, bills of lading, and transportation requests, (4) the receipt for, accountability for, and administration of property, (5) the certification and verification of official papers, or (6) the performance of similar routine administrative duties, such warrant officers shall be vested with all the powers usually exercised by commissioned officers in the performance of such duties.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
November 10, 1941.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 8938—Vesting Certain Powers in Warrant Officers of the Army Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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