Executive Order 9327—Providing for the More Effective Handling of Governmental Problems in Congested Production Areas in Order To Further the Successful Prosecution of the War
By virtue of the authority conferred on me by the Constitution and statutes and especially by the First War Powers Act, 1941, in order to promote the successful prosecution of the war by providing for the more effective handling of governmental problems in congested production areas, it is hereby ordered:
1. For the purposes of this Order a congested production area is an area which, by reason of a large increase in population and activity due to the war, is lacking in adequate services or facilities.
2. There is established a Committee for Congested Production Areas (herein referred to as the Committee), consisting of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, as Chairman, and one member designated by the President from each of the following departments and agencies: Department of War, Department of the Navy, War Production Board, Federal Works Agency, National Housing Agency, and War Manpower Commission. The Committee shall meet from time to time at the call of the Chairman, and any action or decision taken or approved by the majority in attendance at any meeting shall be deemed to be the action of the Committee. The Chairman and each member or his designated alternate shall have one vote.
3. In order to deal effectively with problems arising out of congestion in congested production areas, it shall be the duty and responsibility of the Committee
(a) To designate those areas which are to be considered congested production areas for the purposes of this Order and to modify or terminate such designations as it may deem advisable;
(b) To cooperate with and supplement the efforts of State and local governments with respect to such problems in such areas;
(c) To coordinate the activities of all Federal agencies insofar as they affect problems arising out of congestion in such areas;
(d) To prescribe such policies and action as may be necessary to effectuate such coordination.
4. The Committee shall employ a suitable person as Director to carry out the decisions and policies of the Committee and administer its affairs. The Director may employ such personnel as the Committee may deem necessary.
5. The Director may designate, subject to the approval of the Committee, an Area Director for each congested production area. Such Area Director shall be responsible to the Director and, under the general policies of the Committee, shall be responsible for securing coordination of all Federal agencies which deal with problems arising out of congestion within his area. He shall promptly report to the Director any problems or situations which he is unable to resolve, and the Director shall advise with the Federal agencies concerned to the end that coordination may be secured. The Area Director may recommend to the Director such policies and action as he deems advisable to further the purposes of this Order and facilitate the prosecution of the war.
6. Each Area Director, after consultation with local, State, and Federal officials in the area, and with the approval of the Director, shall designate an Area Advisory Council which may include representatives of the State government, local governments, and local communities in his area, and Federal agencies having supply or operating facilities in the area which are directly related to the war program. The Area Advisory Council shall meet upon the call of the Area Director for the purpose of advising with him concerning problems arising out of congestion within his area.
7. In order that the purposes of this Order may be carried out with a minimum of delay, coordination shall be secured as far as possible at the area level, and appropriate authority shall be delegated by the several departments and agencies concerned to their respective supervisory officials within such areas, and the names of such officials shall be reported to the Director. The policies and decisions of the Committee with respect to any congested production area shall be controlling on all Federal agencies to which they apply. Appropriate orders and instructions shall be issued by the departments and independent agencies affected to insure compliance with the policies and decisions of the Committee.
8. This Order shall continue in effect until the termination of Title I of the First War Powers Act, 1941.
The White House,
April 7, 1943.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9327—Providing for the More Effective Handling of Governmental Problems in Congested Production Areas in Order To Further the Successful Prosecution of the War Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/209946