Executive Order 9644—Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classfied Civil-service Status Upon Certain Disabled Veterans
By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 1753 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (5 U.S.C. 631), and by section 2 of the Civil Service Act (22 Stat. 403), it is hereby ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. The Civil Service Commission is authorized to confer a competitive classified civil-service status or a probational status upon any veteran serving under a war-service indefinite appointment who establishes the present existence of a service-connected disability of not less than ten per cent, subject to the following conditions:
(a) If such veteran has completed a trial period of one year he may be given a competitive classified civil-service status upon certification to the Civil Service Commission by the head of the agency concerned that the veteran has completed a trial period of one year and that his services have been satisfactory.
(b) If such veteran has not completed a trial period of one year he may be given a probational status upon certification to the Civil Service Commission by the head of the agency concerned that the employee was given an indefinite war-service appointment and has been serving satisfactorily during his trial period. Any person given a probational status under this subsection shall be required to complete satisfactorily a one-year trial period beginning the date he entered on duty under a war-service indefinite appointment.
SECTION 2. During the period the Civil Service Commission is operating under the War Service Regulations prescribed pursuant to Executive Order No. 9063 of February 16, 1942, probational appointment shall be given to any disabled veteran who establishes the present existence of a service-connected disability of not less than ten per cent and who is selected for appointment from a certification of eligibles issued by the Commission. Any person given a probational appointment under this section shall be required to complete satisfactorily a one-year trial period.
SECTION 3. The Civil Service Commission shall prescribe regulations necessary for the administration of this order.
October 19, 1945
Harry S Truman, Executive Order 9644—Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classfied Civil-service Status Upon Certain Disabled Veterans Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/230984