Executive Order 9735—Establishing a Cabinet Committee On Palestine and Related Problems
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, and as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. In view of the urgency of the solution of various problems relating to the displaced Jews in Europe and to Palestine, there is hereby established under the Chairmanship of the Secretary of State, a Cabinet Committee on Palestine and Related Problem (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) composed of the Secretaries of State, War, and the Treasury. The functions and duties of the Committee shall be:
(a) To assist the President in the early consideration of the recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (hereinafter referred to as the Anglo-American Committee) and of the views which may be submitted as a result of the consultations thereon, and in the determination of the steps to be taken by this Government in regard to Palestine and related problems.
(b) To propose the specific measures considered necessary or appropriate effectively to implement the decisions made by the President with regard to Palestine and related problems.
(c) So far as may be permitted by law, to implement and coordinate, either directly or through the appropriate departments and agencies of the United States Government, such policies or programs in respect of Palestine and related problems as may be approved and authorized by the President.
(d) To perform such other tasks in connection with the functions and duties described in subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) above as the President may from time to time direct.
2. Each member of the Committee shall designate a fully deputized alternate to act for and in his behalf. The alternates thus selected shall function as the executive agency of the Committee and shall be known as the Board of Alternates, whose Chairman shall be the alternate for the Secretary of State. The Committee is hereby empowered:
(a) To fix its rules of conduct and procedures and the pattern of its internal organization.
(b) To employ a Secretariat to be headed by a Secretary-General with such deputies and assistants and such clerical and administrative personnel as may be necessary.
(c) To utilize to the maximum extent possible by way of loan or otherwise such personnel, facilities, and services of the State, War, and Treasury Departments as may be necessary or useful to the Committee in the accomplishment of its functions and duties.
(d) Subject to subparagraph (c) hereof and within the limits of funds which may be made available to it, to employ necessary technical personnel, consultants, or advisers without regard to the civil service laws and regulations, and to make provision for such supplies, facilities, and services as may be necessary fully to discharge the Committee's responsibilities.
(e) Whenever necessary, to call upon the heads of other departments and agencies of the Government to supply experts or technical advisers to the extent available to assist the Committee or its staff in connection with its objectives.
3. In the formulation of its policy recommendations as provided in paragraph 1 hereof and in the implementation of any policies and programs approved by the President, the Committee shall be empowered:
(a) To negotiate and consult, directly or through its representatives, with accredited representatives and agencies of other governments, with public or private international bodies, with States and municipalities and private and quasi-public organizations in the United States or abroad.
(b) Upon the written request of the Chairman, or his alternate, to procure from all departments and agencies of the Government such records and documents in their possession as may be necessary, relevant, or useful to the Committee in the accomplishment of its objectives hereunder.
4. In carrying out its functions and duties, and within the limits of available funds, the members of the Committee and its personnel are authorized to engage in the necessary domestic and foreign travel. When permitted by law and otherwise practicable, the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall provide appropriate travel assistance, including the furnishing of available Government-owned transportation and other facilities.
June 11, 1946
Harry S Truman, Executive Order 9735—Establishing a Cabinet Committee On Palestine and Related Problems Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/278603