It is hereby ordered that block 77, in the town site of Randlett, Utah, as per plat approved by the Secretary of the Interior, December 2, 1905, under the provisions of sections 2380 and 2381, Revised Statutes, located in sec. 7, T. 3 S., R. 2 E., United States meridian, be withdrawn from sale or other disposition and temporarily set apart to the Protestant Episcopal Church for missionary and cemetery purposes for the benefit of the Ute Indians, so long as used therefor: Provided, however, That when no longer so used by the said church it shall continue in a state of public reservation for church and cemetery purposes for the Ute Indians.
February 5, 1906
Theodore Roosevelt, Executive Order—Cancellation of Lands Set Apart in Utah Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project