Rutherford B. Hayes photo

Executive Order—Cancelling Carlin Farms

January 16, 1879

EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 16, 1879.

It is hereby ordered that the order of May 10, 1877, setting apart as a reservation for the Northwestern Shoshone Indians of Nevada the following-described lands (known as the Carlin Farms), viz: Beginning at the quarter-section corner post on the west boundary of section 6, township 35 north, range 52 east. Mount Diablo meridian; thence south 62 degrees 56 minutes east 4,229^ feet to a post marked “U. S. I. R. station B;” thence north 2 degrees 4 minutes east 1,928 feet to a post marked “ U. S. I. R. station C:” thence north 3 degrees 9 minutes west 2.122 feet to a post marked “U. S. I. R. station D;” thence south 85 degrees 8 minutes west 3,000 feet to a post marked “U. S.I. R. station E:" thence north 52 degrees 32 minutes west 4,046 feet to a post marked “U. S.I. R. station F;” thence north 39 degrees 25 minutes west 1,200 feet to a post marked " U. S.I. R. station G;” thence south 44 degrees 10 minutes west 2,200 feet to a post marked “ U. S. I. R. station H;” thence south 44 degrees 29 minutes east 2,663 feet to a post marked “U. S.1. R. station I;” thence south 58 degrees 57 minutes east 2,535 feet to a post marked “ U. S.I. R. station K;” thence south 59 degrees 29 minutes east 878 feet to a post marked “ U. S. I. R. station A,” the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby, canceled and the said lands are restored to their original status.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 865-866

Rutherford B. Hayes, Executive Order—Cancelling Carlin Farms Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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