Chester A. Arthur

Executive Order—Establishment of Gila Bend Reserve

December 12, 1882

[Pima Agency; occupied by Papago tribe; area 35 square miles.]

EXECUTIVE MANSION, December 12, 1882.

It is hereby ordered that the following tract of country in the Territory of Arizona, viz, township 5 south, range 5 west, Gila and Salt River meridian, excepting section 18 thereof, be, and the same is hereby, withdrawn from sale and settlement and set apart for the use and occupancy of the Papago and other Indians now settled there, and such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to settle thereon.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 804

Chester A. Arthur, Executive Order—Establishment of Gila Bend Reserve Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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