Chester A. Arthur

Executive Order—Establishment of Hualpai [Walapai] Reserve

January 04, 1883

EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 4, 1883.

It is hereby ordered that the following-described tract of country situated in the Territory of Arizona be, and the same is hereby, set aside and reserved for the use and occupancy of the Hualpai Indians, namely: Beginning at a point on the Colorado River 5 miles eastward of Tinnakah Spring; thence south 20 miles to crest of high mesa; thence south 40 degrees east 25 miles to a point of Music Mountains; thence east 15 miles; thence north 50 degrees east 35 miles; thence north 30 miles to the Colorado River; thence along said river to the place of beginning; the southern boundary being at least 2 miles south of Peach Spring, and the eastern boundary at least 2 miles east of Pine Spring. All bearings and distances being approximate.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 804

Chester A. Arthur, Executive Order—Establishment of Hualpai [Walapai] Reserve Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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