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Executive Order—Establishment of Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation

March 19, 1900

EXECUTIVE MANSION, March 19, 1900.

It is hereby ordered that the following-described tract of land lying in the State of Montana, the same being the tract described in Senate bill 2173, 56th Congress, 1st session, which tract includes the lands embraced in the boundaries set forth in Executive order issued November 26, 1884, relative to the Northern Cheyenne reserve, be, and the same is hereby, withdrawn from sale and settlement and set apart as a reservation for the permanent use and occupation of the Indians now occupying or belonging upon the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, which reservation shall be known as the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, viz: Beginning at the point in the middle of the channel of Tongue River at its intersection with the southern forty-mile limits of the grant to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company; thence west on the said southern forty-mile limits to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of the Crow Indian Reservation: thence south on said boundary line to its intersection with the line dividing townships five and six south; thence east on said dividing line of townships five and six south; to its intersection with the line dividing ranges forty and forty-one east; thence north on said line dividing ranges forty and forty-one east to the line dividing townships four and five south; thence east on the line dividing townships four and five south to its intersection with Cook Creek; thence down Cook Creek to its confluence with Tongue River; thence down the middle of the channel of Tongue River to the place of beginning: Provided, however, That if upon the survey or resurvey of the boundary lines already established it shall be found that the main stream of Cook Creek on or near the range line between ranges forty and forty-one lies south of the line dividing townships four and five south, then in that case the line running north on the range line between ranges forty and forty-one shall extend north only to the intersection of said line with the main stream of Cook Creek, and thence down Cook Creek as hereinbefore provided: Provided further, That in the erection of the reservation Boundary fence along said Cook Creek the same shall be so erected as to divide the waters as near as may be between the north and south sides thereof: Provided further, That certain tracts approximating sixty-five acres, lying west of Tongue River, in sections twenty-six and thirty-four south, of range forty-three east, owned by Joseph Scott, and the northeast quarter of section three in township three south, of range forty-four east, lie longing to Saint Labra's Mission, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section ten in township two south, of range forty-four east, belonging to R. P. Colbert, and the south half of section seven, in township two south, range forty-four east, belonging to John Barringer, shall lie excepted from and not included within the reservation boundaries named.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 860-861

William McKinley, Executive Order—Establishment of Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/371403

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