Executive Order—Modifying and Reducing the Reservation at Port Point and Point Jose, San Francisco Harbor, California
War Department,
Washington, December 20th, 1851.
Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith, for your consideration, the draught of an order modifying and reducing the reservation at Port Point and Point Jose, San Francisco Harbor, California, prepared in conformity with the recommendations of the Chief Engineer, herewith inclosed, and to request your approval of the same.
Very respectfully
Your ob't serv't,
Secretary of War.
* * *
To the President.
The reservation, including Fort Point, Point Jose, and the Presidio, at the entrance of the Harbor of San Francisco, California, made by an order dated November 6th, 1850, is hereby modified and reduced so as to embrace only the following described two tracts of land, viz.:
1st. The promontory of Point Jose, within boundaries not less than eight hundred yards from its northern extremity.
2d. The Presidio tract and Fort Point, embracing all the land north of a line running in a westerly direction from the south-eastern corner of the Presidio tract, to the southern extremity of a pond lying between Fort Point and Point Lobos, and passing through the middle of said pond and its outlet to the channel of entrance from the ocean.
Executive Chamber,
Washington, December 31st, 1851.
SOURCE: John W. Dwinelle, The Colonial History of the City of San Francisco. 4th. (San Francisco: Towne & Bacon 1867).
Millard Fillmore, Executive Order—Modifying and Reducing the Reservation at Port Point and Point Jose, San Francisco Harbor, California Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/349840