Ulysses S. Grant photo

Executive Order—Revocation of Chiricahua Reserve

October 30, 1876

EXECUTIVE MANSION, October 30, 1876.

It is hereby ordered that the order of December 14, 1872, setting apart the following-described lands in the Territory of Arizona as a reservation for certain Apache Indians, viz: Beginning at Dragoon Springs, near Dragoon Pass, and running thence northeasterly along the north base of the Chiricahua Mountains, to a point on the summit of Peloncillo Mountains, or Stevens Peak Range; thence running south-easterly along said range through Stevens Peak to the boundary of New Mexico; thence running south to the boundary of Mexico; thence running westerly along said boundary 56 miles; thence running northerly, following substantially the western base of the Dragoon Mountains. to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby, canceled, and said lands are restored to the public domain.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 802-803

Ulysses S. Grant, Executive Order—Revocation of Chiricahua Reserve Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/371274

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