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Executive Order—Revocation of Portion of White Mountain Indian Reservation

January 26, 1877

EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 26, 1877.

It is hereby ordered that all that portion of the White Mountain Indian Reservation in Arizona Territory lying within the following-described boundaries, viz: Commencing at a point known as corner I of survey made by Lieut. E. D. Thomas, Fifth Cavalry, in March, 1876, situated northeast of, and 313 chains from, flag-staff of Camp Apache, magnetic variation 13 degrees 48 minutes east; thence south 68 degrees 34 minutes west, 360 chains, to corner II, post in monument of stones, variation 13 degrees 45 minutes east; thence south 7 degrees 5 minutes west, 240 chains, to corner III, post in monument of stones, variation 13 degrees 43 minutes east; thence north 68 degrees 34 minutes east, 360 chains, to corner IV, post in monument of stones, magnetic variation 13 degrees 42 minutes east; thence north 7 degrees 15 minutes east, 240 chains, to place of beginning, comprising 7,421.14 acres, be restored to the public domain.


SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 814

Ulysses S. Grant, Executive Order—Revocation of Portion of White Mountain Indian Reservation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/371275

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