Photo of Donald Trump

Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Is Delivering on His Promise to Make Healthcare Prices More Transparent

November 15, 2019

We believe the American people have a right to know the price of services before they go to visit the doctor. --President Donald J. Trump

PROMOTING HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY IN HEALTHCARE PRICES: President Donald J. Trump is taking bold action to give patients the information they need to find high-value care.

  • President Trump is announcing two historic rules to make healthcare prices more transparent than ever before.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is finalizing a rule that will require hospitals to make prices publicly available online
    • Hospitals will display prices for shoppable services as a total package in an easy-to-read, consumer-friendly format.
  • The Trump Administration is also proposing a rule to require insurance companies and group health plans to provide cost estimates to enrollees in advance of care.
    • Additionally, we are proposing that these companies make a list of all of their pricing information available to the public.
  • Together, these two rules represent the most aggressive actions taken by any administration to put healthcare price information in the hands of patients.

IMPROVING TRANSPARENCY TO LOWER COSTS: Our healthcare system has long hidden the true cost of care, keeping critical information from patients and limiting competition.

  • For years, powerful interests have blocked patients from knowing the true price and quality of healthcare, denying them the information they need to make informed choices.
    • This lack of transparency has enriched industry giants at the expense of regular Americans.
  • Prices for the exact same healthcare services can vary significantly in the same area with little to no correlation to quality.
  • Armed with accurate information, patients can shop around for healthcare services and make the decision that is best for them.
  • By increasing price transparency and empowering patients we can help lower the cost of healthcare and drive competition.
  • Employers from around the country have already utilized priced transparency tools to reduce costs for their employees.

PUTTING AMERICAN PATIENTS FIRST: President Trump is working to protect the vulnerable, improve affordability, provide more options, and increase quality in American healthcare.

  • The President signed an executive order to protect and improve Medicare for American seniors.
  • The Trump Administration has taken aggressive action to drive down prescription drug prices and increase the availability of lower priced generics.
    • These efforts have contributed to the largest decrease in prescription drug costs in nearly half a century.
  • The President has empowered consumers by working to expand affordable options like Health Reimbursement Arrangements, short-term plans, and Association Health Plans.
  • The President is working to improve healthcare for Americans struggling with conditions like HIV/AIDS, kidney disease, pediatric cancer, Alzheimer's, and more.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Is Delivering on His Promise to Make Healthcare Prices More Transparent Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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