Photo of Donald Trump

Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Stands by America's Cherished Ally Israel

March 25, 2019

"My administration will always stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters, and we will always stand strong with our cherished friend and partner, the state of Israel." --President Donald J. Trump

WELCOMING OUR CHERISHED ALLY: President Donald J. Trump is welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House and furthering our countries' friendship.

  • President Trump is welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House, where the two will discuss our countries' shared interests in the Middle East.
  • The President's meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu comes following his announcement that it is time for the United States to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
  • Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights is critical to the security of Israel and the stability of the entire Middle East.

UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO OUR PARTNERSHIP: Under President Trump, the alliance between the United States and Israel has never been stronger.

  • Following years of empty promises by past presidents, President Trump followed through on his pledge to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the United States embassy there.
  • The Trump Administration has pushed back against the United Nations' (UN) unfair treatment of Israel.
    • For too long, Israel has been the unfair target of biased and one-sided attacks at the UN.
    • President Trump withdrew the United States from the UN Human Rights Commission which has repeatedly shown an abhorrent anti-Israel bias.
    • Under President Trump, the United States has continually opposed UN resolutions that unfairly target Israel.
  • The Trump Administration will oppose all efforts that seek to isolate and delegitimize Israel, including through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.
  • The Administration strongly supports efforts to expand ties between Israel and neighboring Arab states, particularly those in the Gulf.

PROTECTING ISRAEL'S SECURITY: President Trump remains firmly committed to Israel's security and supports its right to defend itself.

  • The current level of United States support for Israel's security is unparalleled, with the United States providing $3.8 billion annually in security assistance to Israel.
  • President Trump is confronting malign activity of the Iranian regime – which has publicly declared it wants to destroy Israel.
    • Iran's destabilizing activity throughout the Middle East and its continued support for terrorist groups threaten Israel's security.
  • The President withdrew from the disastrous Iran deal that enabled its malign behavior, including its support of terrorist proxies such as Hizballah and Hamas.
    • President Trump has put in place the toughest sanctions regime ever imposed on Iran.
  • The Trump Administration has worked to cut off financial support for Hizballah, setting a record for the most sanctions imposed on Hizballah in a single year.
  • This Administration strongly supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist groups, which have fired hundreds of rockets and missiles into Israel.
  • The United States will work with Israel to ensure reliable communications networks and reduce the risk of malicious cyber activity.

Donald J. Trump, Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Stands by America's Cherished Ally Israel Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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