Joe Biden

FACT SHEET: The President's Budget Confronts Global Challenges and Defends Democracy

March 11, 2024

Since President Biden took office, he has restored U.S. leadership on the world stage and protected democracy around the world. In the wake of Putin's brutal invasion and illegal war against Ukraine, he has rallied the world to support Ukraine's defense and stand up against tyranny. The President continues to fight for critical support for Ukraine in the face of continued Russian aggression while enhancing the collective capabilities and readiness of the United States, our allies, and partners. He has strengthened alliances across the globe, and bolstered the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alliance, which is now larger and more united than it has ever been.

After Hamas's horrific terrorist attacks against Israel, the President has led the United States to support Israel's right to defend its country and protect its people in a way that upholds international humanitarian law, while ensuring the Palestinian people have access to vital humanitarian aid and lifesaving assistance. He continues to press for congressional support to provide the necessary security assistance to Israel and to extend humanitarian assistance to civilians impacted by conflict in the region, while working toward a future where Palestinians have a state of their own and Israel's security is assured.

Under the President's leadership, the Administration continues to focus on the Nation's strategic competition with the People's Republic of China (PRC)—and promoting American competitiveness worldwide. The President has advocated for congressional support to invest in the American defense industrial base to ensure military readiness, while also creating American jobs.

In addition to reiterating the urgent need to pass a national security supplemental in this current fiscal year, the FY 2025 Budget builds upon this progress with proposals to continue to revitalize U.S. alliances and partnerships, confront global threats and strengthening America's military, advance U.S. national security to out-compete China and counter Russian aggression, and address pressing global challenges. The President's Budget:

Confronts Threats to Global Security and Strengthens America's Military

Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and Partners. The Budget sustains critical support for Ukraine, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, and other European partner states by prioritizing funding to enhance the capabilities and readiness of U.S., allied, and partner forces in the face of continued Russian aggression. The Budget includes a new capital increase to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to maintain support to Ukraine and deliver on multilateral development bank evolution reforms.

Reiterates the Administration's Request for Immediate Funding for Urgent National Security Priorities Related to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific. In October 2023, the Administration transmitted an emergency supplemental request totaling $92 billion to Congress for urgent national security needs. This request included funding to support Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against Russian aggression, Israel's defense against terrorism, the Indo-Pacific's regional security, life-saving humanitarian assistance, including for the Palestinian people, and other national security priorities. The request would also make significant and much needed investments in the American defense industrial base (DIB), benefitting U.S. military readiness and helping to create and sustain jobs in dozens of states across America. Absent congressional action on this emergency request, the United States will not be able to continue to provide support to Ukraine to meet their battlefield needs as they defend against Russian attacks every day, provide urgently needed military support to allies and partners, make critical DIB investments, or sustain life-saving assistance and development in some of the world's most vulnerable areas. The Administration appreciates the bipartisan supplemental legislation that passed the Senate, which would address these urgent needs and advance our own national security.

Ensures Readiness Across America's Armed Forces. The Budget continues to ensure that U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and Guardians remain the best trained and equipped fighting forces in the world. The Budget places additional emphasis on foundational investments to sustain current weapon systems and support increased training across the Department of Defense while pursuing technological enhancements to extend the service life of material vital to the warfighter. The Budget also fulfills America's commitment to military families by providing a robust 4.5 percent pay raise for servicemembers, increasing access to high-quality childcare for military families and employment opportunities for military spouses, and focusing on suicide and sexual assault prevention and response efforts. 

Invests in the Submarine Industrial Base. The Department of Defense (DOD) conducted the 2025 Submarine Industrial Base (SIB) study to determine how to complete the once-in-a-generation recapitalization of the Submarine Force needed to increase the United States' ability to build and sustain attack submarines to meet U.S. military requirements. These investments will also support the Administration's commitments under AUKUS, the first major deliverable of which was the historic decision to support Australia acquiring conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines.

Underpins Commitments to Nuclear Deterrence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control. Nuclear deterrence remains a top priority for the Nation and foundational to integrated deterrence. A safe, secure, and effective nuclear force deters strategic attacks and assures allies and partners. To ensure our nuclear deterrent remains responsive to all threats, DOD and the Department of Energy (DOE) continue to modernize the nuclear Triad, nuclear command, control, and communications, and nuclear weapons infrastructure, while strengthening extended deterrence commitments to our allies. The Budget also supports the President's commitment to reduce nuclear risks and strengthen the global non-proliferation regime by simultaneously pursuing realistic goals for mutual, verifiable arms control and efforts to protect against the existential threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism.

Addresses Emerging Cyber Threats. The Budget expands the Department of Justice's (DOJ) ability to pursue cyber threats through investments in FBI's cyber and counterintelligence investigative capabilities. These investments sustain the FBI's cyber, counterintelligence, and analysis capabilities and include an additional $25 million to enhance these capabilities. The Budget also includes $5 million to establish a new section within the DOJ's National Security Division to focus on cyber threats. The Budget also makes the U.S. cyber space more secure and resilient by providing funding to the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to deploy Federal network tools, such as endpoint detection and response, and enhance critical infrastructure security coordination and cyber event reporting. These investments are in line with the National Cybersecurity Strategy that emphasizes a whole-of-Nation approach to addressing ongoing cyber threats. The Budget also provides funding for DOJ, DHS, and other agencies to support implementation of the President's Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence.

Combats Terrorism and Corruption. The Department of Treasury plays a leading role in monitoring and disrupting corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing, and the use of the financial system by malicious actors domestically and abroad. The Budget provides $231 million to the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, $15 million above the 2023 level, to expand Treasury's capacity to provide financial intelligence and conduct sanctions-related economic analysis while continuing to modernize the sanctions process. These investments would expand Treasury's ability to craft, implement, and enforce sanctions, including the historic sanctions program targeting Russia's illegal war in Ukraine, and sanctions on key Hamas terrorist group members and financial facilitators in Gaza.

Outcompetes China on the World Stage

Drives Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth and Quality International Infrastructure through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI). The Budget advances the President's goal of mobilizing $200 billion for infrastructure investment in low- and middle-income countries by 2027, building on the more than $30 billion in financing already mobilized by this Administration. PGI aims to promote infrastructure development along critical economic corridors to drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth, secure energy supply chains, fortify trusted digital connectivity, build more resilient food and health systems, as well as critical transport and logistics networks, while advancing gender equality and equity. The FY 2025 Budget includes approximately $50 billion for PGI across all departments and agencies, inclusive of private sector financing leveraged, including $250 million in flexible resources to support strategic, high-quality infrastructure to connect workers to good jobs, allow businesses to grow and thrive, and advance our shared national security priorities. To further PGI goals, the Budget includes $2 billion in mandatory funding over five years to establish the International Infrastructure Fund to combat People's Republic of China (PRC) coercive financing.

Promotes Integrated Deterrence in the Indo-Pacific and Globally. To sustain and strengthen deterrence, the Budget prioritizes China as America's pacing challenge in line with the 2022 National Defense Strategy. DOD's 2025 Pacific Deterrence Initiative highlights some of the key investments the Federal Government is making, focuses on strengthening deterrence in the region, and demonstrates the Administration's long-term commitment to the Indo-Pacific. DOD is building the concepts, capabilities, and posture necessary to meet these challenges, working to integrate deterrence efforts across the U.S. Government and with U.S. allies and partners.

Secures American Presence and Commitment in the Indo-Pacific. The Budget provides over $4 billion to realize a more free, open, secure, and connected Indo-Pacific that bolsters U.S. alliances and partnerships. This includes $2.1 billion in bilateral and regional foreign assistance, including $100 million for a standalone request for Taiwan military assistance, and $20 million for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF). The Budget includes over $62 million in support of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), demonstrating our continued commitment to ASEAN centrality. The Indo-Pacific Strategy total also includes $2 billion to support diplomatic presence and programs in the region, including new and planned U.S. diplomatic posts in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The Budget reflects $7.1 billion in mandatory funding for the renewal of our Compact of Free Association (COFA) relationships with the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. The Budget reflects a substantial commitment to the Indo-Pacific and reiterates the need for the $2 billion investment that the Administration requested in the October 2023 National Security Supplemental Request in security assistance to fully address urgent regional security needs and deter acts of aggression.

Addresses Pressing Global Challenges and Doubles Down on America's Global Climate Leadership

Strengthens Health Systems Globally. The Budget provides nearly $10 billion for Global Health Programs, which will increase support for global health programs, strengthening health systems and pandemic preparedness. The Budget fulfills the President's commitment to the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by providing $1.2 billion to match $1 for every $2 contributed by other donors. The Budget also provides more than $900 million for global health security, including $250 million for the Pandemic Fund. The Budget invests $30 million in new resources for the World Bank's Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents, a contribution anticipated to leverage at least $210 million to strengthen health systems, and $20 million for the Administration's Global Health Worker Initiative to better train, equip, and protect the health workforce.

Provides Life-Saving Humanitarian Assistance and Combats Global Food Insecurity. The Budget provides $10.3 billion in life-saving humanitarian and refugee assistance to support more than 330 million people in need in more than 70 countries in addition to the emergency supplemental request of $10 billion to address unprecedented global humanitarian needs, including the dire humanitarian situation Palestinians are experiencing in Gaza. The Budget also fully supports the President's commitment to resettle up to 125,000 refugees in the U.S, as well as the Enduring Welcome and Safe Mobility Office initiatives. The Budget also provides more than $1 billion to support the President's pledge to alleviate global food insecurity, including $100 million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS), as part of the overall U.S. Government's flagship food security initiative, Feed the Future, which works to build more resilient and sustainable food systems and nutritious food crops in underserved regions. State and USAID will have to reduce life-saving assistance around the globe without the additional $10 billion in humanitarian assistance requested in the Administration's October 2023 National Security Supplemental Request.

Bolsters Sustainable, Inclusive, and Democratic Global Development. The Budget supports the President's goal to strengthen American development efforts through local expertise and by deploying a more expansive set of development tools. The Budget provides over $3 billion for bolstering global democracy, including $345 million for the President's Initiative for Democratic Renewal to foster transparent and accountable governance. The Budget allocates more than $3 billion to advance gender equity and equality worldwide, including $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund. The Budget also includes $110 million in support of Internet freedom, including $50 million for the U.S. Agency for Global Media Open Technology Fund. The Budget provides $594 million, an increase of $37 million from 2023 levels, for high-impact and lifesaving voluntary family planning and reproductive health programs and America's voluntary contribution to the United Nations Population Fund. The Budget continues America's commitment to contributions for the United Nations.

Fulfills the President's Commitment to Central America and Strengthens America's Partnership in the Western Hemisphere. The Budget provides approximately $1 billion for Central American programming to meet the President's commitment to invest $4 billion in Central America over four years to address the root causes of migration. The Budget also supports hemispheric programs to advance economic prosperity and regional security through key initiatives such as the America's Partnership for Economic Prosperity, including $75 million for a capital increase to the Inter-American Development Bank's (IDB Invest) to advance clean energy projects, modernize agriculture, strengthen transportation systems, and expand access to financing. The Budget further reserves $35 million in additional targeted funding for regional migration management, including $25 million for the IDB's Migration Grant Facility to support integration efforts for migrants and host communities and address the root causes of irregular migration.

Achieves the Administration's Historic Climate Finance Pledge. The Budget provides a path to achieving the President's $11 billion commitment for international climate finance, including $3 billion for the President's Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE). A signature initiative, PREPARE supports more than half a billion people in developing countries to adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change. In 2023, PREPARE brought 21 new companies and partners on board, with commitments to accelerate adaptation action in vulnerable developing countries that have mobilized more than $2 billion. The Budget also supports a $500 million FY 2025 contribution through mandatory funding to finance the Green Climate Fund (GCF), as part of the $3 billion multi-year pledge to expand climate adaptation and mitigation projects in developing countries, and $100 million for the Amazon Fund to combat deforestation and preserve the world's largest tropical rainforest.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., FACT SHEET: The President's Budget Confronts Global Challenges and Defends Democracy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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