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Fact Sheet: Twenty in Ten: Powering Large Vehicle Fleets with Alternative Fuels

March 27, 2007

President Bush Views Alternative Fuel Vehicles Used By The U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, And Washington Metro

"[Congress needs] to pass meaningful energy legislation as soon as possible, all aiming at making sure that we promote technologies that, for the sake of our national security and for the sake of good environmental policy … reduce the usage of gasoline. The goal I laid out of reducing gasoline by 20 percent over 10 years is a realistic goal. In other words, this isn't a pipe dream, this is something that our Nation can accomplish."

– President George W. Bush, 3/27/07

Today, President Bush Met With Industry Executives To Discuss Alternative Fuel Vehicles That Are Being Used In Large Vehicle Fleets To Help Reduce Dependence On Oil. The President viewed alternative fuel vehicles used by the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority ("Metro").

By Using More Alternative Fuel Vehicles, The Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, And Metro Are Showing Their Commitment To Reducing Oil Consumption And Environmental Impacts:

  • The U.S. Postal Service Has The Largest Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fleet In The World. Almost 13 percent of the 289,000 vehicle fleet are alternative fuel vehicles such as hybrids, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
  • UPS Operates The Largest Private Alternative Fuel Fleet In Its Industry, Using More Than 1,500 Compressed Natural Gas, Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, And Hybrid Vehicles.
  • FedEx Is Using Close To 100 Hybrid-Electric Diesel Trucks In Its Fleet.
  • Metro Is Investing In Hybrid-Electric Diesel Buses And Has 50 On The Road Today.

Large Fleet Operators Like The U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, And Metro Are Key Partners Throughout The Country With The Department Of Energy's Clean Cities Program. The mission of the Clean Cities Program is to advance the Nation's economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption. Clean Cities carries out this mission through a network of more than 80 volunteer coalitions, which develop public/private partnerships to promote alternative fuels and vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid vehicles, and idle reduction.

As The Market Develops For Alternative Fuels, Large Vehicle Fleets Like Those Of The U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, And Metro Can Take Advantage Of Cleaner And More Efficient Fuels. As they use more alternative fuels, these entities help reduce our oil dependence, with the added benefit of lowering their business operating costs. Their commitment to using alternative fuels corresponds to the President's "Twenty in Ten" goal of reducing America's gasoline consumption by 20 percent over the next ten years.

Twenty In Ten: An Ambitious Goal To Help Reduce America's Dependence On Oil

To Help America Reduce Its Dependence On Oil, The President Has Set The Goal Of Cutting U.S. Consumption Of Gasoline By 20 Percent In The Next Ten Years. To meet this goal we must make progress on two fronts:

  1. On the demand side, the President has proposed reforming fuel economy standards to make cars more energy efficient, just like we did for light trucks.
  2. On the supply side, the President has proposed increasing the supply of alternative fuels by setting a mandatory fuels standard to require 35 billion gallons of renewable and other alternative fuels in 2017 – nearly five times the current target of 7.5 million gallons in 2012.

One Way To Get More Fuel-Efficient Cars On The Road Is To Encourage More Drivers To Buy Fuel-Efficient Hybrids And New Clean Diesel Vehicles. Energy-efficient hybrid and clean diesel vehicles offer the same features consumers desire but travel much further on a gallon of fuel than conventional vehicles. America's automakers are also working to develop "plug-in" hybrids that will use even less gasoline. These vehicles use advanced battery technology, such as lithium ion batteries, and could be recharged in a standard electrical outlet.

  • The Administration Is Providing A Federal Tax Credit Of Up To $3,400 For Hybrid And Clean Diesel Purchasers. In addition, the President signed an Executive Order on January 24 ordering Federal agencies to lead by example in reducing fuel consumption by purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles, reducing vehicle miles traveled, and other steps.

More Flex Fuel Vehicles On The Road Also Help Reduce Our Level Of Oil Dependency. Today there are around 5 million flex fuel vehicles (FFV) on the road. These vehicles can run on gasoline or E85, an alternative fuel that is 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. There are more than 1,000 E85 pumps across the country today.

The Federal Government Is Also Supporting Vital Research On Alternative Fuels Like Biodiesel And Ethanol. Scientists and engineers have made great progress on alternative fuels like biodiesel and ethanol.Our Nation is now on the threshold of dramatic breakthroughs, such as new ways of producing cellulosic ethanol from wood chips, grasses, and agricultural wastes.

  • Since The President Took Office, The Federal Government Has Invested $12 Billion To Develop Cleaner, Cheaper, And More Reliable Energy Sources.

The President Has A Comprehensive Strategy To Address Energy Security, Cleaner Air, And Climate Change

Achieving The President's "Twenty In Ten" Goal Will Reduce Our Dependence On Oil – But It Will Not Eliminate It. As we continue to diversify our fuel supply, we must step up domestic oil production in environmentally sensitive ways.

Increasing The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Will Strengthen Energy Security. We must double the current capacity of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to further protect America against severe disruptions to the world's oil supply.

Reducing Our Oil Dependence Is Part Of Our Broader Energy Strategy. In addition to diversifying our transportation fuels, we are changing how America generates electricity by investing Federal resources in clean-coal technology, wind and solar energy, and clean, safe nuclear power. All of these technologies will significantly help reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution.

George W. Bush, Fact Sheet: Twenty in Ten: Powering Large Vehicle Fleets with Alternative Fuels Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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