George W. Bush photo

Fact Sheet: United States and India: Strategic Partnership

March 02, 2006

"We have an ambitious agenda with India. Our agenda is practical. It builds on a relationship that has never been better. India is a global leader, as well as a good friend. ... My trip will remind everybody about the strengthening of an important strategic partnership. We'll work together in practical ways to promote a hopeful future for citizens in both our nations."

President George W. Bush, February 22, 2006

CIVIL NUCLEAR COOPERATION: The United States and India have reached an historic agreement on civil nuclear cooperation. The agreement addresses India's surging energy needs for its growing economy. This will also ease the burden on other countries as the world's energy needs continue to rise.

  • The U.S. and India have agreed to pursue civil nuclear cooperation to allow India to cooperate and trade in this key area.
  • India has agreed to take steps that will bring it into the international non-proliferation mainstream, including placing its civilian nuclear facilities and programs under IAEA safeguards and adhering to the guidelines of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Missile Technology Control Regime.

The U.S.-India strategic partnership is rooted in shared values and is broad in nature and scope, with our two countries working together on global issues, including expanding economic freedom and democracy; ensuring plentiful sources of clean, safe, and reliable energy; protecting security; supporting innovation and technological advances; and promoting public health.

ECONOMY: The United States and India are expanding cooperation to enhance job creation and economic growth; support economic reform and liberalization; develop a bilateral business climate supportive of trade and investment; and improve market access for goods and services.

  • Trade: Over the last five years, U.S. exports to India have more than doubled, helping to create better-paying jobs in the United States. The United States and India agree that trade is essential to promoting global economic growth, development, freedom, and prosperity. Both countries are committed to completing the WTO Doha Development Agenda before the end of 2006.
  • Investment: The United States and India welcomed the report of the U.S.-India CEO Forum and agreed to work on its recommendations through the Economic Dialogue; endorsed the efforts of the U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum to reduce barriers to trade and investment; agreed to hold a high-level public-private investment summit in 2006; and are continuing the dialogue on various issues, including further liberalization of investment restrictions, regulatory transparency, dispute settlement, and reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade.
  • Agriculture: The United States and India have launched the Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture to link universities, technical institutions, and businesses to support high-priority joint agriculture education, research, and capacity-building projects including biotechnology.

DEMOCRACY: Building on their common values and interests, the United States and India affirmed their joint commitment to promote freedom and democracy and assist countries in transition. Effective democracies with governments accountable to the people are the best means of ensuring long-term stability and prosperity.

  • The United States and India will work together to support the growth and development of vibrant civil societies, including independent media and non-governmental organizations, in countries that seek such assistance.

ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: The United States and India are working together to help meet India's rising demand for energy by looking at new technologies to produce clean, safe, and reliable energy.

  • FutureGen: India will join the FutureGen international partnership which will work to create a zero-emissions coal-fired power plant, enabling greater use of coal in an environmentally sustainable way.
  • International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER): India has joined the United States, Russia, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China as an ITER member.
  • Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate: The United States and India, together with Australia, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, will work on practical ways to improve energy security, improve air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in ways that foster economic growth.

SECURITY: The United States and India are building the foundation of a durable defense relationship that will continue to support our common strategic and security interests.

  • Maritime Security Cooperation: The United States and India are committed to a comprehensive cooperative effort to ensure a secure maritime domain.
  • Counterterrorism: The United States and India are jointly expanding the scope of our counterterrorism cooperation, including work on bioterrorism and cybersecurity.
  • Military Logistics Support: The United States and India will soon sign an agreement to facilitate mutual logistic support during combined training, exercises, and disaster relief operations.
  • Defense Trade: The United States reaffirmed its goal to help meet India's defense needs and to provide the important technologies and capabilities that India seeks.
  • Non-proliferation: Both countries support efforts to limit the spread of enrichment and reprocessing technologies and also support the conclusion of a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty.

INNOVATIVE AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES: The United States and India are working together to support the creation of innovative, dynamic, knowledge-based economies.

  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): The United States is funding IPR training programs to strengthen enforcement and patent examination, as a vibrant IPR regime is critical to the promotion of a creative, technologically advanced economy.
  • Science: The United States and India established and co-fund the $30 million Bi-National Science and Technology Commission to generate collaborative partnerships in science and technology.
  • Space: The United States and India have agreed to continue exploring further cooperation in civil space, including areas such as space exploration, satellite navigation, and earth science. In addition, agreements are being completed that will allow for the launch of U.S. satellites and satellites containing U.S. components by Indian launch vehicles.

PUBLIC HEALTH: The United States and India are cooperating to expand efforts to combat and prevent Avian Influenza and HIV/AIDS.

  • Avian Influenza: The United States and India agreed to expand bilateral efforts on avian influenza by, among other things, reaching out to the private sector, developing regional communications strategies, and planning an in-region containment and response exercise. India will host the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza meeting in 2007.
  • HIV/AIDS: Last July, President Bush and Prime Minister Singh agreed to further strengthen cooperation on HIV/AIDS by leveraging resources, knowledge, and expertise. Since then:
    • The United States increased funding in FY2006 for HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs to $29.3 million.

    • We have established an Indo-U.S. Corporate Sector Fund for HIV/AIDS, which is a partnership among U.S. and Indian businesses to fight AIDS. Six companies have already pledged a total of $1.2 million to the Fund.

    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given approval to 13 generic antiretroviral drugs produced by Indian pharmaceutical companies. These drugs can now be purchased as part of the President's Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS for use around the world.

George W. Bush, Fact Sheet: United States and India: Strategic Partnership Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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