Pool Reports by Emily Goodin, DailyMail
Sent: | Reports: |
October 27, 2020 13:30 |
FLOTUS pool report #1 - leaving JBA ?First Lady Melania Trump is headed to Atglen, Pennsylvania, today for her first solo campaign event this year. She arrived at Joint Base Andrews at 1:12 pm via Marine One. She traveled to JBA with POTUS, who is off on a campaign trip of his own. FLOTUS got into an SUV at JBA from where Marine One landed and drove over to Executive One Foxtrot. She arrived at her plane at 1:24 pm. She did not respond to questions. Pool traveled from the White House to JBA separately from FLOTUS. Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway will moderate this afternoon's campaign event. Pooler saw Conway board one of the vans at the White House ahead of our departure to JBA to meet FLOTUS. The fire lady came to speak to Kellyanne on the plane after boarding. Neither of them are wearing face masks. Atglen is in Chester County and about an hour outside of Philadelphia. Melania Trump held a campaign event for her husband in Pennsylvania during the last presidential campaign, on November 3, 2016 at the Main Line Sports Center in Berwyn. We are flying into Lancaster and then motorcading to Atglen. Flight time about 45 minutes. Your pooler was COVID tested this am. We are rolling shortly. |
October 27, 2020 14:16 |
FLOTUS pool report #2 - arrival in Pennsylvania ?Executive One Foxtrot took off from JBA at 1:39 pm after Air Force One left. We were wheels down Lancaster at 2:05 pm. Flight was uneventful with no visitors to the press cabin. The First Lady, wearing a green Michael Michael Kors coat (according to DailyMail.com's ace fashion team), exited the plane at 2:12 pm. She smiled and waved but did not answer a question if she was excited to be campaigning. She is not wearing a face mask. Arrival was lovely with trees and their autumn colored leaves visible as the plane descended. It is a balmy 61 degrees out. At 2:15 pm we are motorcading to Atglen, which is about a 45 minute drive. |
October 27, 2020 15:11 |
FLOTUS pool report #3 - arrival at campaign event ?FLOTUS motorcade arrived at The Barn in Storeybrooke at 3:05 pm. We are in a converted barn with string lights running across the ceiling. Walls and floor are hardwood with one stone wall. There is a Trump Make America Great Again sign on one wall. Venue is crowded with little social distancing. But a majority of crowd is wearing face masks. There is a stage with American flags lining then back. A teleprompter set up. Trip was uneventful as we drove through the Pennsylvania countryside, including passing a pumpkin patch. There were a few Trump supporters scattered along the route as we approached the destination. One woman held a "praying and voting" sign. All waved as motorcade went by. Right outside the barn entry way was a group waving Biden-Harris signs. Also please note East Wing Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham is traveling with the First Lady. Our friends at C-SPAN are showing the campaign event online but pooler will send color and highlights. |
October 27, 2020 15:44 |
FLOTUS pool report #4 - FLOTUS speaking and her prepared remarks ?The first lady began speaking at 3:42 pm. Kellyanne Conway introduced the first lady. In her remarks, she told the crowd they would see President Trump in Pennsylvania again this weekend. Conway noted Melania Trump's 2016 campaign visit to Berwyn and said: "Today is the sequel to that original visit." Please note ABC is the TV pool and are airing FLOTUS remarks live on POOL Number 5. There are about 300 people here. "We love you," one person yelled as the first lady began speaking. Here are FLOTUS remarks - EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY Thank you Kellyanne. Hello, Pennsylvania! Thank you all for the very warm welcome and to our friend Congressman Smucker for joining us today. Before I begin, thank you for all the love and support you gave us when our family was diagnosed with COVID-19. We are all feeling so much better now thanks to healthy living and some of the amazing therapeutic options available in our country - thank you again for your well wishes!!! Since early this year, our country has felt the effects of a global pandemic. Like many of you, I have experienced the first-hand effects of COVID-19, not only as a patient, but as a worried mother and wife. I know there are many people who have lost loved ones or know people who have been forever impacted by this silent enemy - my family's thoughts and prayers are with all of you through this difficult time. We all know the American spirit is stronger than this virus. We have proven that we can and will overcome this unexpected challenge. Thank you to all who have stepped up and helped in this uncertain time. To the frontline workers - teachers, healthcare professionals, and many more - my husband and I are grateful to you. You continue to make a difference every single day. Such selfless service is what our American values are all about. It is amazing to see the way we, as Americans, have come together in this time of need. Through the passionate and careful work being done in our communities, cities, and states all across our beautiful and powerful country, we will triumph over this virus. Donald is a fighter. He loves this country and he fights for you every single day. For the first time in history, the citizens of this country get to hear directly and instantly from their President every single day through social media. I don't always agree the way he says things, but it is important to him that he speaks directly to the people he serves. This Administration chooses to keep moving forward during this pandemic, not backward. By moving forward, we demonstrate a fundamental value of our nation, our ability to rise to any challenge and overcome any hurdle. We don't close down and hide in fear, we get to work to find real and lasting solutions. It's what sets us apart from any other country in the world. It's how we came from thirteen small colonies to the global leader. Our schools, restaurants, and businesses large and small, have developed safer ways for people to continue moving forward. Our Administration remains 100% supportive of ensuring our nation is equipped with all the medical supplies we need, and getting a vaccine developed and distributed as safely and quickly as possible. This is something that both political parties should support, encourage, and celebrate. No one should be promoting fear of real solutions for purely political ends. The success of a vaccine will save millions of lives over the long-term. I believe in our incredible doctors, nurses, medical professionals and scientists. The democrats have chosen to put their own agendas ahead of the American people's well-being. Instead, they attempt to create a divide – a divide on something that should be non-partisan and non-controversial. A divide that causes confusion and fear instead of hope and security. That is not leadership. Let us also not forget what the democrats chose to focus on when COVID-19 first came into our country. While the President was taking decisive actions to keep the American people safe, the democrats were wasting American tax-payer dollars in a sham impeachment. They cared more about removing our elected president. Meanwhile, I watched Donald continue to work hard to keep people informed and calm, to protect our economy, and make hard and unpopular decisions to do all he could to keep us all safe. This sham was led by opposition and their display of hatred is on display to this day. Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserved a better display of political responsibility and respect for our sacred institutions. Joe Biden attacked President Trump's decision to put the American people first and closing travel from China. He called it "Xenophobic hysteria". Now he suggests that he could have done a better job. Well, the American people can look at Joe Biden's 36 years in congress and eight years in the Vice Presidency and determine whether they think he'll finally be able to get something done for the American people. On November 3rd, when you vote, you are voting for our children's futures. As long as Donald Trump is President, our American family values, and the virtues that our country was built upon, will continue to be cherished and upheld. Before my husband decided to run for president, the media loved him because they saw the man that I see every day— someone tough, successful, and fair. A man who sees potential in everyone he meets, no matter their gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. A man who has a very big heart and a great sense of humor. Donald loves helping people, and he loves seeing those around him, and his country, succeed. But when he decided to run for president as a Republican, the media created a different picture of my husband— one I didn't recognize— and treated all his supporters with equal disdain. The media has chosen to focus on stories of idle gossip and palace intrigue by editorializing real events and policies with their own bias and agendas. For instance, my initiative, BE BEST, has one main goal - helping children. Yet the media have chosen to take the attention away from children and focus on only the negative. But that will not stop me to do what is right. Like my husband, we are not the politicians who have worked in Washington for too long. And just like my husband, I am here to make a difference for you and your families. It has been the greatest honor and privilege to serve as First Lady of this amazing country. It has allowed me an opportunity unlike any other. I have met with children all around the country and the world. What I know is that all children understand the language of love. I have seen a great deal of love through simple everyday acts of kindness. In fact, it was a little boy from this great state of Pennsylvania who helped show what it meant to BE BEST. Christian Bucks was in second grade when he created his "buddy bench." When Christian noticed some of his schoolmates were lonely, he decided to create a bench where children could sit at recess and connect with other children. Christian's simple act helped address children's feelings of loneliness and it allowed for many new friendships to form. These are the acts BE BEST will continue sharing with the American people so that children everywhere can understand the power of kindness. Remember, it is love and optimism, not fear and lawlessness, that will make America great again. There is so much goodness and compassion happening but often times it does not make the news. What drives the news are the handpicked, angry, and often baseless claims from anonymous sources or angry ex-employees who are only trying to distract from the important work happening inside the White House. These next four years are vital. Our President continues to move this country forward. The United States is a country of hope, not a country of fear. Under Donald's leadership, our economy has soared, our borders are safer. We have stayed out of new conflicts and worked to end wars. We have destroyed terrorists who attacked this country and our allies under the last administration, and have made historic peace deals in the Middle East, which makes the world safer. We are respected again. We still have strong alliances around the world – and these allies are now doing their fair share globally. As a mother, I am grateful for a President who believes in strong families. As an independent woman, I am grateful for a President who has championed not only women, but working mothers, by promoting and supporting their roles in the workforce. As an American, I am proud that we have a President who puts our country first. Remember, we are a strong nation again. With Donald Trump as our president, we will be even stronger when we beat COVID-19. Please remember to follow CDC guidelines so that together we can minimize the spread of the virus until a vaccine can be developed. This election isn't just about the next year. It's about the next four years and beyond. It's about continuing to set this country on a course of real prosperity and success. We can't and we shouldn't go backwards. Donald Trump is the man who will lead us and empower us to make that greater future together. Donald Trump will expand and grow the economy and keep us safe. Joe Biden's policies and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy America and all that has been built in the past four years. We must keep Donald in the White House so he can finish what he's started and our country can continue to flourish. Thank you for taking time out of your day to be here with me, and thank you for all of your support. If you haven't already voted, please be sure to get out and vote on November 3 - and encourage everyone you know to do the same. God bless each of you, your families, and God bless the United States of America. |
October 27, 2020 16:01 |
FLOTUS pool report #5 - color from event ?A few notes from the first lady's speech: When she said of the president's tweets: "I don't always agree with the way he says things" – that got big laughs from the crowd. And she described President Trump as "tough, successful and fair" – a woman in the audience yelled out: "and handsome." There were also shouts of "Four more years" and "we love you" during her remarks. She wrapped her prepared remarks at 3:59 pm. |
October 27, 2020 16:12 |
FLOTUS pool #6 - Departure from campaign event ?Pool was pulled immediately after the first lady finished speaking and taken to the motorcade. Pool caught a glimpse of FLOTUS getting into her SUV as we prepared to depart. At 4:11 pm, the motorcade is rolling. |
October 27, 2020 17:00 |
FLOTUS pool #7 - OTR stop in Lancaster ?The First Lady made an unscheduled stop after her campaign event, arriving at the Republican Committee of Lancaster County at 4:58 pm. The room is filled with Trump campaign volunteers putting together mailings. Drive was uneventful. Motorcade stopped for lights. At one point while we were waiting a horse drawn carriage trotted past. More TK... |
October 27, 2020 17:13 |
FLOTUS pool note #8 - Remarks and FLOTUS donated pizza ?The First Lady thanked the volunteers for their work in brief remarks. "We want to thank all of you for your support and your hard work. We have a week to go. Let's hope we win Pennsylvania. We were at a rally. It was a big success. We hope this is a big success as well." Lots of applause and cheers for her. She donated pizza and soda. "I brought some pizza for you. Bon Appetite." There were another 30 volunteers in room, sitting around tables to stuff envelopes. All wearing face masks. FLOTUS wore a mask when she came in but took it off to speak. She also introduced Kellyanne Conway, who was wearing a mask but took it off to make brief remarks. FLOTUS signed some Trump Pence 2020 signs. At 5:07 pm we are headed to the airport. |
October 27, 2020 17:34 |
FLOTUS pool report #9 - Lancaster airport arrival ?FLOTUS motorcade arrived at Lancaster airport at 5:28 pm. The First Lady boarded their plane at 5:31 pm. She appeared to have a small stumble on the stairs near the top but caught herself on the rail. Pooler will post video to her twitter. FLOTUS did not respond to questions on the trip. And to clarify, the First Lady did not eat pizza with the campaign volunteers at the unscheduled stop. She just donated some boxes of it. We are wheels up for JBA shortly. |
October 27, 2020 18:24 |
FLOTUS pool report # 10 - JBA arrival Executive One Foxtrot was wheels up at Lancaster at 5:42 pm and wheels down JBA at 6:08 pm. Flight back was uneventful with no visitors to the press cabin. FLOTUS exited the plane at 6:21 pm. At 6:23 pm we're rolling back to the White House. |
October 27, 2020 18:53 |
FLOTUS pool #11 - White House arrival Motorcade arrived at the White House 6:47 pm. It was an uneventful drive with lights and sirens all the back. Pool caught a brief glimpse of FLOTUS exiting the motorcade at the South Portico. She went straight inside. That's a wrap folks. |
Melania Trump, First Lady Pool Reports of October 27, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/352410