George W. Bush (43) Event Timeline 01/20/2001 – 01/20/2009 |
11/07/2000 |
11/09/2000 |
Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris announces recount underway in Florida as required by law when the margin of victory is less than 0.5 percent. |
11/09/2000 |
Controversy begins between Bush and Gore campaigns involving recounting votes and resolving controversies relating to ballots with voting errors. |
12/12/2000 |
Supreme Court halts Florida Recount; declares Bush the winner in 5-4 decision. This is the “safe harbor” date for resolving disputes about electors. |
12/18/2000 |
Electors cast their votes. |
2001 |
01/15/2001 |
01/20/2001 |
01/22/2001 |
Reinstates ban on aid to groups performing or counselling abortion (“Mexico City Policy”). |
01/29/2001 |
Signs Executive Orders relating to “faith-based and community initiatives.” |
02/16/2001 |
03/29/2001 |
04/01/2001 |
04/27/2001 |
06/07/2001 |
08/09/2001 |
09/11/2001 |
09/20/2001 |
Address to Joint Session of Congress on 9/11 Attacks, announces targeting of Osama Bin Laden; announces cabinet-level position on Homeland Security. |
10/07/2001 |
Address to the Nation announcing operation “Enduring Freedom” Begins, starting military action in Afghanistan to combat terrorist activity. |
10/17/2001 |
D.C. Anthrax Scare, where anthrax is mailed to prominent senators and media figures. |
11/10/2001 |
11/10/2001 |
12/02/2001 |
Enron Corporation Declares Bankruptcy, the largest company to do so in American history, and Bush administration has ties to executives involved. |
12/13/2001 |
Announces US withdrawal from 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. |
12/27/2001 |
Proclamation 7516 extends Normal Trade Status for China with the United States. |
2002 |
01/08/2002 |
Signs No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The Act sought to increase accountability for schools and states by requiring students to take standardized tests in reading and math. Disaggregated test results would be published and proficiency goals set. Stressed ensuring teacher qualifications. |
01/22/2002 | Receives from the Department of Justice a lengthy memorandum about treatment of Al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees. The memo argues that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to non-state actors. [link to pdf of the memo] |
01/29/2002 |
Annual State of the Union Address. (“Axis of Evil”) |
05/16/2002 |
Press Briefing on the events leading up to 9/11 by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. (“I want to reiterate that during this time, the overwhelming bulk of the evidence was that this was an attack that was likely to take place overseas.”) |
05/20/2002 |
Continues Trade Embargo with Cuba until Free and Fair Elections are Instituted. |
05/24/2002 |
06/06/2002 |
Address to the Nation about the proposed Department of Homeland Security. |
06/24/2002 |
07/09/2002 |
Remarks on Corporate Responsibility; proposes reforms to “demand integrity without stifling innovation and economic growth.” These include new penalties for corporate fraud. |
09/04/2002 |
Seeks Congressional Support for Military Action against Iraq. |
09/12/2002 |
Address UN Security Council, makes his case to enforce UN resolutions in Iraq. |
10/16/2002 |
Signs Congressional Resolution for the “Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq.” (AUMF) |
11/05/2002 |
12/20/2002 |
2003 |
01/07/2003 |
In Remarks to Economic Club of Chicago, announces proposed additional large tax cut. |
01/28/2003 |
02/01/2003 |
Columbia Space Shuttle Explodes in Space, killing all seven crew members. |
02/12/2003 |
Discovers that North Korea Will Soon Pose a Viable Nuclear Capability. |
03/17/2003 |
Address to the Nation on Iraq. “Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours.” |
03/19/2003 |
Address to the Nation on Iraq. “On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance. . . .” |
04/10/2003 |
Videotaped Remarks to the Iraqi People together with British PM Blair, speaking to the Iraqi people of their vision for life after Saddam Hussein. |
05/01/2003 |
Address to the Nation on Iraq From the U.S.S. Lincoln, “Mission accomplished” banner. “Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.: |
05/22/2003 |
05/28/2003 |
Signs Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act reducing income taxes. |
06/17/2003 |
Department of Justice guidelines prohibiting racial profiling in Federal law enforcement. |
07/09/2003 |
Senate Intelligence Committee Report on US Pre-war Intelligence escalates concerns about Administration misstatement of evidence about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion. |
07/22/2003 |
US Forces Successfully Kill Uday and Qusay Hussein, sons of Saddam Hussein. |
10/02/2003 |
Iraq Survey Group “Interim Progress Report.” “We have not yet found stocks of weapons. . .” President Bush commented on the report in his Remarks of 10/03/2003. |
11/05/2003 |
12/08/2003 |
Signs Medicare Reform Act of 2003, which included prescription drug plans in Medicare. |
12/13/2003 |
Saddam Hussein captured in Tikrit, Iraq. Bush Addresses the Nation on the capture on 12/14/2003. |
2004 |
01/20/2004 |
03/08/2004 |
04/28/2004 |
Remarks after photos of the U.S. abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison broadcast on CBS. |
05/17/2004 |
06/08/2004 |
06/28/2004 |
09/02/2004 |
10/29/2004 |
Osama Bin Laden Issues an Address to America Taking Credit for the 9/11 Attacks. |
11/04/2004 |
George W. Bush Re-elected, defeating John Kerry. Bush wins 50.7% of the popular vote and 53.2% of the electoral vote. |
11/08/2004 |
11/15/2004 |
Secretary of State Colin Powell Resigns, as do three other cabinet secretaries. |
11/16/2004 |
2005 |
01/20/2005 |
01/28/2005 |
Condoleezza Rice sworn in as Secretary of State; First African-American woman to hold the post. |
02/02/2005 |
02/14/2005 |
Alberto Gonzales sworn in as Attorney General, first Hispanic to serve in that post. |
03/21/2005 |
Signs legislation permitting the parents of Terri Schiavo to challenge, on a special basis, in Federal court medical decisions to withhold care. |
03/31/2005 |
Schiavo Medical Case Ends, Feeding tube is removed from patient Terri Schiavo and she passes away. |
06/05/2005 |
06/10/2005 |
Meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to discuss denuclearization of North Korea. |
06/21/2005 |
07/26/2005 |
08/08/2005 |
Signs Energy Policy Act of 2005; included tax credits for wind and other alternative energy; identified ocean energy as a renewable technology. |
08/28/2005 |
Remarks on Hurricane Katrina, which devastates the southern states. |
09/29/2005 |
Justice John G. Roberts Jr. is sworn in as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. |
12/18/2005 | Address to the Nation on Iraq and the War on Terror. In address from the Oval Office, announces the conclusion of elections in Iraq calling it a "landmark day in the history of liberty." Describes a plan to make Iraq "a model of freedom for the Middle East." |
12/30/2005 | Signs large and complex Appropriations bill. Promises to interpret "Title X in Division A of the Act, relating to detainees" in a way consistent with his understanding of his Constitutional powers. This referred to the portion of the Act known as the "Detainee Treatment Act of 2005" prohibiting cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of military prisoners. |
2006 |
01/24/2006 |
01/31/2006 |
03/09/2006 |
03/31/2006 |
6.1 Magnitude Earthquake in Iran, causes massive damage, kills 66 people. |
05/03/2006 |
Warns Country of Importance of Preparing for Influenza, after South America suffers deadly flu season. |
05/04/2006 |
Zacarias Moussaoui Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole for his role in the 9/11 attack. |
06/26/2006 | The Supreme Court decides, in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld that the Geneva Convention could be enforced by the Supreme court. The trial of an al-Qaida member captured in Afghanistan before a military tribunal was illegal. This was a rebuff of the Administration. |
07/19/2006 |
09/06/2006 | In Remarks on the War on Terror, defends detention of enemy combatants at Guantanamo and interrogation procedures (later known as "enhanced interrogation techniques") used. "These procedures were designed to be safe, to comply with our laws, our Constitution, and our treaty obligations." Bush declines to describe the detention conditions or interrogation procedures in order not to "provide our enemies with information. . . " |
10/26/2006 |
11/07/2006 |
In midterm elections, Democrats gain control of both House and Senate. |
12/30/2006 |
2007 |
01/04/2007 |
01/11/2007 |
01/23/2007 |
03/06/2007 |
Scooter Libby, VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff Convicted of Perjury, Bush later commutes his sentence. |
04/16/2007 |
Virginia Tech shooting--a student kills 32 and then commits suicide. |
05/01/2007 |
Bush vetoes a bill mandating a schedule of troop withdrawal from Iraq. |
07/26/2007 |
09/17/2007 |
Alberto Gonzales leaves office following protracted controversy about dismissal of US attorneys. |
10/09/2007 |
Dow Jones Reaches an All-Time High, but will steeply decline in the following months. |
11/27/2007 |
Middle East Peace Conference with Israel and the Palestinian President. |
12/19/2007 |
2008 |
01/18/2008 |
01/28/2008 |
02/11/2008 |
02/13/2008 |
Signs Economic Stimulus Act |
03/17/2008 |
Investment bank Bear Stearns is bailed out by the Federal Reserve. |
05/21/1008 |
Vetoes “Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008,” (“The Farm Bill”) complains that it lacks program reform and fiscal discipline. |
05/22/2008 |
06/03/2008 |
Democratic Convention nominates Barack Obama for President, the first African-American nominee by a major political party. |
09/04/2008 |
Republican Convention Nominates John McCain for President. |
09/07/2008 |
09/15/2008 |
Investment bank Lehman Brothers fails and is not bailed out; Merrill Lynch acquired by Bank of America. |
09/16/2008 |
Federal Reserve takes ownership of American International Group. |
10/01/2008 |
United States and India Agree to a Nuclear Cooperation Deal. |
10/03/2008 |
Signs the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, largest bailout in history, attempting to fight one of the worst recessions in American history. This creates the "Trouble Assets Relief Program"--TARP. |
11/04/2008 |
Barack Obama elected President, defeating Senator John McCain with 52.9% of the popular vote and 67.8% of the electoral college vote. |
11/25/2008 |
12/16/2008 |
12/19/2008 |
Remarks on Auto Industry Bailout; GM and Chrysler Receive emergency capital infusions through the “Troubled Asset Relief Program” (TARP) to keep them from bankruptcy. |
Last edited 01/11/2024.
George W. Bush, George W. Bush Event Timeline Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project