George Washington (1) Event Timeline 04/30/1789-03/04/1797 |
09/17/1787 |
Constitution finalized at Constitutional Convention (“Constitution Day”). |
06/21/1788 |
Constitution ratified when New Hampshire became 9th state to ratify. |
1789 |
02/04/1789 |
Electors cast ballots in Electoral College, New York City; Washington elected. |
03/04/1789 |
First Congress convenes in New York City. |
04/30/1789 |
First Inaugural Address. |
05/08/1789 |
05/18/1789 |
Message Replying to the Senate. |
06/01/1789 |
Signs 1st Act of Congress; (1 Stat 23) procedures for administering oaths of office. |
06/11/1789 |
07/04/1789 |
Signs Tariff Act of 1789, first substantive legislation protecting trade and raising revenues. |
07/27/1789 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 28) establishing the Department of Foreign Affairs. |
08/07/1789 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 49) establishing the Department of War. |
08/07/1789 |
Lighthouse Act signed. Financial responsibility for lighthouses transferred to federal government from states provided related lands and tenements are ceded to the United States. |
09/02/1789 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 65) establishing the Treasury Department. |
09/15/1789 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 68) to provide for the safe keeping of the Acts, Records and Seal of the United States, and for other purposes; changing name of Department of Foreign Affairs to Department of State. |
09/24/1789 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 73) to Establish the Judicial Courts of the United States; setting the size of the Supreme Court at six, and creating 13 judicial districts, and dividing most of the districts into three circuits and specifying that Supreme Court justices serve as Circuit Judges. |
09/24/1789 |
Nominates John Jay as the 1st Chief Justice of Supreme Court; Jay unanimously confirmed 09/26/1789. |
09/25/1789 |
Congress adopts 12 Constitutional Amendments (including the Bill of Rights) (1 Stat 97) which are sent to the states for ratification by Washington on 10/02/1789. |
09/26/1789 |
Nominates Thomas Jefferson as 1st Secretary of State. |
10/03/1789 |
1790 |
01/08/1790 |
First Annual State of the Union Address to Congress. |
01/14/1790 |
Hamilton’s First Report on Public Credit submitted to Congress. |
03/01/1790 |
Signs first Census Act (1 Stat 101), "Act providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. |
03/22/1790 |
Jefferson begins service as Secretary of State. |
03/26/1790 |
Signs “An Act to establish a uniform rule of Naturalization” (1 Stat 103) outlining steps for “a free white person” to become a citizen. |
04/10/1790 |
Signs first Patent Act (2 Stat 109), "An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts." |
04/30/1790 |
Signs Act (1 Stat 112) defining a set of Federal Crimes (on government lands or the high seas) inclulding treason, murder, robbery, piracy, counterfeiting, bribery, etc. Punishments include imprisonment, fines, death and "public whipping." |
05/29/1790 |
Rhode Island ratifies Constitution, the last of the 13 original colonies. |
05/31/1790 |
Signs copyright law. |
07/16/1790 |
Signs the Residence Act, provided for defining of a “district of territory” to be the permanent seat of the government of the United States, not exceeding 10 miles square, on the banks of the Potomac, (Later the “District of Columbia”). Called for relocating the government to this location no later than the first Monday in December 1800. |
07/22/1790 |
Signs "An Act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian Tribes," requiring that traders must be licensed and regulated by the Federal government. |
08/04/1790 |
“An Act making provision for the [payment of the] Debt of the United States.” Outstanding Revolutionary War debt of the states is assumed by the United States. |
08/14/1790 |
Proclamation—Publishing a treaty of Peace and Friendship Between the United States and the Creek Nations of the Indians. |
08/26/1790 |
Proclamation—Warning Against Violation of Treaties Between the United States and the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians. |
12/06/1790 |
Capital moves from New York to Philadelphia. |
12/08/1790 |
Second Annual Address to Congress. |
12/15/1790 |
Hamilton proposal to Congress for a national bank, Second Report on Public Credit. |
1791 |
01/24/1791 |
Proclamation 1 –Defining the Boundaries of the District of Columbia. |
02/18/1791 |
Signs Act admitting the State of Vermont into the Union. The effective date is 03/04/1791. |
03/03/1791 |
First revenue law, creating fourteen revenue districts and placing a tax on all distilled spirits. |
03/04/1791 |
Special message: Vermont admitted as 14th state. |
03/19/1791 |
Proclamation 2—Respecting the Acts of James O’Fallon in Kentucky O’Fallon was “levying an armed force” which “disturbs the public peace.” |
03/30/1791 |
09/09/1791 |
Commissioners name the territory within the District of Columbia (and the future seat of the Federal Government) as the “City of Washington” in honor of the nation's first President. |
10/25/1791 |
11/04/1791 |
A confederated force of Indians (Miami, Shawnee, and Delaware) soundly defeat an American military force of 1400 men on the banks of the Wabash River (today Fort Recovery, Ohio). Over 900 American were killed or wounded. |
12/15/1791 |
1792 |
01/12/1792 |
Thomas Pinckney appointed first United States Minister to England. |
03/01/1792 |
Signs Presidential Succession Act; outlines process for selection and voting of electors; providing for case in which neither President nor Vice-President can serve. |
04/05/1792 |
Vetoes Act of Apportionment of Representatives on grounds that it contradicts the language of the Constitution. Veto is sustained in the House on 04/06/1792. |
06/01/1792 |
Kentucky Admitted as a state. |
09/15/1792 |
Proclamation 3b-Cessation of violence and obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor Laws. |
10/13/1792 |
The cornerstone for the President's mansion is laid in Washington D.C. |
11/06/1792 |
12/05/1792 |
Electors cast ballots; Washington reelected unanimously. |
12/12/1792 |
1793 |
02/12/1793 |
Signs Fugitive Slave Act. ("An Act respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters.") The act requires authorities in every state to arrest, secure, and return fugitives from other states when notified. |
03/04/1793 |
04/22/1793 |
Neutrality Proclamation; In precedent-setting act, Washington declared (without Congressional advice or consent) United States neutrality in the War Involving Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, and the United Netherlands against France. |
05/18/1793 |
President Washington receives France's envoy to the United States, Edmond Charles Genet, who unsuccessfully sought US help in European war and subsequently provoked controversy and scandal. |
08/19/1793 |
Summoned Randolph for explanation of French dispatch. |
09/18/1793 |
Participates in laying the southeast cornerstone of Capitol Building in federal district. |
10/01/1793 |
US relations with Britain worsen after Britain orders confiscation of ships trading with the French in the Caribbean. |
12/03/1793 |
12/31/1793 |
Jefferson resigned as Secretary of State. |
1794 |
03/20/1794 |
Signs An Act to provide for the Defense of certain Ports and Harbors in the United States (in response to British naval activity). |
03/22/1794 |
03/24/1794 |
Proclamation 5- Respecting Enlisting Men in Kentucky to Invade a Neighboring Nation. Warns against raising forces for the purpose of invading territories of a nation at peace with the United States. |
03/27/1794 |
Signs Act to Provide Naval Armament (response to British seizing of US ships). |
04/16/1794 |
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay, is sent as Special Envoy to attempt to quell the tensions between U.S. and Britain. |
07/21/1794 |
Opponents to Whiskey Tax begin to organize in Mingo Creek, PA (Whiskey rebellion). |
08/07/1974 |
08/20/1794 |
Battle of Fallen Timbers, Final Battle of Northwest Indian War between the United States troops, led by General Anthony Wayne, and the Nortwest Indian Confederation. |
09/25/1794 |
11/19/1794 |
Jay Treaty Signed included withdrawal of British troops from Northwest Territory (“Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation”). [Link to PDF of Treaty text.] |
11/19/1794 |
11/29/1794 |
12/01/1794 |
Hamilton submits resignation as Secretary of Treasury. |
1795 |
01/29/1795 |
Signs An Act to establish a uniform rule of Naturalization (repealing act of 1790). |
01/31/1795 |
Hamilton resignation as Secretary of the Treasury becomes effective. |
02/07/1795 |
11th Amendment to Constitution ratified; restricts the ability of individuals to bring suit against states in federal court. |
06/08/1795 |
Jay Treaty submitted to Senate (see 11/19/1794). |
06/24/1795 |
Jay Treaty ratified by Senate. |
07/10/1795 |
Proclamation—granting pardon to certain persons formerly engaged in violence and obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor laws in Pennsylvania (Whiskey Rebellion). |
08/03/1795 |
Treaty of Greenville, defining land open to settlement as result of Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794. |
08/18/1795 |
Washington signs Jay Treaty. (See 11/19/1794) |
10/27/1795 |
Treaty of San Lorenzo, The United States Treaty with Spain, granting Americans the right to ship goods through the port of New Orleans without having to pay duties to the Spanish Government. |
12/08/1795 |
1796 |
03/30/1796 |
Special Message to the House regarding The Jay Treaty; Washington refuses to provided papers requested. |
06/01/1796 |
Tennessee becomes a state. |
09/17/1796 |
Washington Farewell Address. ("The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.") Famously known for emphasizing the importance of national unity and warning against entanglement, partisanship, and regionalism. |
11/04/1796 |
Treaty with Tripoli, US agrees to pay a yearly tribute to Pasha Tripoli in exchange for the peaceful treatment of US shipping in the Mediterranean. |
12/07/1796 |
12/07/1796 |
Electors Cast Ballots; John Adams elected President. |
1797 |
02/28/1797 |
Vetoes Bill to reduce Cavalry contingent of army. Veto sustained in the House 03/01/1797. |
03/04/1797 |
John Adams inaugurated. |
Last edited 07/17/2023.
George Washington, George Washington Event Timeline Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project