Gerald R. Ford (38) Event Timeline |
08/09/1974– 01/20/1977 |
10/10/1973 |
Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice President on charges of income tax evasion. |
10/12/1973 |
Nixon announces he will nominate Gerald R. Ford to be Vice-President replacing Agnew. Ford then is the first to become Vice President under the terms of Section 2 of the 25th Amendment. |
12/06/1973 |
Takes Oath of Office as Vice President following his confirmation by the House (12/06/1973 by vote of 387-35) and the Senate (11/27/1973 by a vote of 93-3). “I am a Ford, not a Lincoln.” |
1974 |
08/09/1974 |
Assumes Presidency following resignation of Nixon. Ford is sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger. Nixon resigned after White House tapes reveal his efforts to obstruct justice in the Watergate Scandal. Immediately after taking the Oath of Office, Ford makes Remarks, and declares “our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works. . .” |
08/12/1974 |
Address to Joint Session of Congress, voices concern over inflation and announces that he will oppose all excessive spending during this period. |
08/20/1974 |
Announces nominee for Vice President, Nelson A. Rockefeller, the former Governor of New York. |
09/08/1974 |
Proclamation 4311—Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon. Ford grants full pardon to President Nixon in attempt to end the political divide over the impeachment. Many Americans disapprove this decision. |
09/16/1974 |
Proclamation 4313—Announcing a Program for the Return of Vietnam Era Draft Evaders and Military Deserters. Announces program of clemency for draft evaders of Vietnam. Individuals can achieve clemency through alternative military service. |
09/30/1974 |
Executive Order 11808 Establishing the Economic Policy Board, which is responsible for all economic policy, both domestic and international. |
10/08/1974 |
Addresses Joint session of Congress regarding the economy. Speech includes proposal to reduce reliance on foreign oil, as well as increase United States food production. Ford recommends a 5% tax increase as well as reduction in federal spending. Finally, he announces a plan called “Whip Inflation Now” that will focus on combating inflation. |
10/11/1974 |
Signs Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, creating three new entities including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which assumes responsibility for licensing and regulation of nuclear facilities. |
10/15/1974 |
Signs Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1974, which significantly reforms campaign finance. The act limits the amount that can be donated to candidates, establishes public funds for elections, and creates the Federal Election Commission to enforce the bill. |
10/17/1974 |
In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, makes a long statement about the pardon of Richard Nixon and answers questions from Committee members. Only Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson had appeared for testimony while President. |
10/17/1974 |
Vetoes revisions to the Freedom of Information Act, which expands public access to government documents. Ford expressed concern about military and intelligence secrets and law enforcement files. Congress overrides the veto and passes the bill on 11/21/1974. |
10/21/1974 |
Travels to Nogales, Mexico to meet Mexican President Luis Echeverria. |
10/29/1974 |
Veto of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments. Ford argues that the bill engages inappropriately in administration; “the bill blurs accountability.” His veto was overridden on 11/21/1974 (together with the Freedom of Information Act Amendments), the first of 12 veto overrides (fewer than Andrew Johnson, but equaling Harry Truman). |
11/05/1974 |
Midterm Elections. Republicans lose 48 seats in the House and 5 seats in the Senate. |
11/17/1974 |
Departs on trip to visit Japan, Republic of Korea, and the Soviet Union. He is the first President to visit Japan. |
11/24/1974 |
Remarks Upon Returning from visit to Japan, Korea, USSR. |
12/14/1974 – 12/16/1974 |
12/17/1974 |
1975 |
01/01/1975 |
Signs Privacy Act of 1974, which guarantees the right of Americans to their individual privacy. |
01/03/1975 | Signs the Trade Act of 1974. Predicts "more and better jobs for American workers, with additional purchasing power for the American consumer." The Act provided relief to industries harmed by international trade; created "Fast Track" authority to negotiate trade agreements that Congress could not filibuster or amend. |
01/04/1975 |
Establishes “Rockefeller Commission," to review the Central Intelligence Agency to determine if it has committed abuses of power. |
01/15/1975 |
First Annual State of the Union Address. “The State of the Union is not good.” |
02/03/1975 | Message on the Observance of Black History Week. The first Presidential call for participating in this observance. |
02/18/1975 | The Supreme Court rules unanimously in Train v. City of New York that the President did not have authority to direct the EPA administrator to withold funds appropriated by Congress. This rejected a Nixon Administration "impoundment" directive of 11/22/1972. |
03/02/1975 |
Announces that the military will help South Vietnamese evacuate Saigon. The North Vietnam army overtakes Saigon, and 100,000 South Vietnamese soldiers surrender, while Americans are evacuated from the city. |
03/10/1975 |
Swearing in of Carla Hills as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, first woman to hold the post. |
03/29/1975 |
Address to the Nation on Signing Tax Reduction Act of 1975, which includes a $22.8 billion tax cut, even after publicly opposing the bill. |
04/08/1975 |
With Executive Order 11850, US renounces use in war of herbicides and riot control agents. |
04/12/1975 |
04/29/1975 |
Orders emergency evacuation of US Embassy in Saigon. “This action closes a chapter in the American experience.” |
05/12/1975 |
Cambodia seizes the Mayaguez, a U.S. merchant ship, and holds the crew hostage for ransom. Ford sends Marines to rescue the crew. The mission succeeds after Ford orders airstrikes to accompany the Marines, fifteen Marines are killed. |
05/27/1975 |
Addresses nation on energy policy, emphasizing the importance of reducing reliance on foreign oil. |
05/28/1975 – 06/03/1975 |
Trip to Europe includes stops in Brussels, Madrid, Salzburg and Rome. |
06/06/1975 |
Letter urging Congressional approval of Financial Support Fund of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which provides a safety net fund for nations given the rising price of oil. |
07/08/1975 |
Announces Candidacy for the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency in 1976 election. |
07/26/1975 – 08/04/1975 |
Embarks on second trip to Europe. Has stops in Germany, Poland, Finland, Romania, Yugoslavia. Along with the Soviet Union, Turkey, and other 35 European states, signs the Helsinki Accords, which declare the rights of sovereignty and respect for human rights. |
08/05/1975 | Remarks upon signing Senate Joint Resolution 23 posthumously restoring full citizenship rights to General Robert E. Lee, General of the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War. Stresses that after the War, Lee at least twice signed an Oath of Allegiance to the United States. Lee urged "everyone to unite in the restoration of the country. . . " |
09/05/1975 |
Remarks following an assassination attempt. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson attempted to assassinate the president. |
09/22/1975 |
Remarks following a second assassination attempt in San Francisco. A shot was fired at the President as he left a hotel. |
10/06/1975 |
10/29/1975 |
11/03/1975 |
Fires both the director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense, dubbed the “Sunday Morning Massacre”. Henry Kissinger gives up the National Security advisor position, but remains Secretary of State. On November 4th, Donald Rumsfeld is named Secretary of Defense, Brent Scowcroft is named National Security advisor, and Richard Cheney is named Chief of Staff. |
11/15/1975 – 11/17/1975 |
Remarks at conclusion of Economic Summit Meeting, Rambouillet France. |
11/20/1975 |
Ronald Reagan announces his candidacy for President, challenging Ford for the Republican nomination. |
11/26/1975 |
11/19/1975 – 12/07/1975 |
Begins Asian trip that includes stops in Beijing, China; Djakarta, Indonesia; and Manila, Philippines. |
12/22/1975 |
Signs Energy Policy Conservation Act in order to put the nation on the path to energy independence. |
1976 |
01/19/1976 |
01/30/1976 |
Remarks on the Supreme Court ruling that the 1974 Federal Election Campaign law was unconstitutional. The decision in Buckley v. Valeo held that several kinds of limits on candidate expenditures (but not individual contributions) are an unconstitutional limit on free speech. |
02/10/1976 |
Message on the Observance of Black History Month. Calls for acknowledging African-American to national life while celebrating the Bicentennial anniversary of the United States. |
02/18/1976 |
04/30/1976 |
Urges Congress to adopt a spending ceiling to control deficit spending. |
05/28/1976 |
Signs US-Soviet Treaty limiting underground nuclear testing. |
06/17/1976 |
Executive Order 11923 recognizes the deaths of Ambassador Francis E. Meloy, Jr, and Economic Counselor Robert O. Waring who were murdered in Beirut on 07/16/1976. Subsequently American citizens were evacuated from Lebanon. |
07/03/1976 |
Veto of Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Bill. Objects that the bill expands the sharing of Federal Leading revenues. The bill becomes law on 08/04/1976, when his veto was overridden. This was the last of the 12 overrides of Ford’s vetoes. |
07/04/1976 |
Remarks at Valley Forge commemorating the 200th anniversary of American independence. This was just one of several events commemorating this historic date. |
07/20/1976 |
08/19/1976 |
Accepts Nomination for President of the Republican Party. Ford had been challenged in the primaries by Ronald Reagan who had innovated by announcing his proposed running mate before the convention. Ford narrowly beat Reagan on the first ballot by a vote of 1187 – 1070. |
09/09/1976 |
Remarks on the Death of Mao Tse-tung. China is left in a state of turmoil after the death of their communist leader. |
09/13/1976 |
10/06/1976 |
Presidential Debate. President Ford makes a famous political gaffe during a presidential debate by claiming that several Eastern European countries were not dominated by the Soviet Union. “I don't believe that the Poles consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union.” |
10/12/1976 |
Signs Toxic Substances Control Act. Permits requiring testing of new chemicals in commercial products to determine if they present a health risk. |
11/02/1976 |
Election Day. President Ford is defeated in his bid for reelection by Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter. Carter wins 55% of the Electoral College and 50.1% of the popular vote. |
12/17/1976 |
12/31/1976 |
1977 |
01/12/1977 |
Third State of the Union Address. Ford gives his Farewell Address before a Joint Session of Congress reporting on the State of the Union. “I can report that the state of the union is good.” |
Last edited 07/18/2023
Gerald R. Ford, Gerald R. Ford Event Timeline Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project