Professional pundits tried to marginalized Newt's candidacy months ago, but he keeps fighting back and proving them wrong. Now people are starting to notice, with the Washington Post recently calling Newt the "GOP's consummate survivor."
As the momentum builds for Newt's campaign of substantive solutions, he sat down with Human Events magazine to discuss the state of the campaign and its surge in the polls and fundraising.
In a wide-ranging interview, Newt talks about what he would do immediately as president to create jobs, how his tax plan is bolder than the other candidates, and more.
Here's a short excerpt from the cover story:
HUMAN EVENTS: If you were President today, what three things would you do immediately to help turn the unemployment picture around?
Within the first few weeks of my administration, I will work with Congress to repeal the job-killing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley acts, eliminate the death and capital gains taxes, lower the corporate rate to 12.5%, and put forward a budget that dramatically scales back spending and returns power to the states. In terms of items that we can do on day one: 1) I will immediately sign off on the Keystone XL pipeline, which will create jobs from North Dakota to Texas and bring almost a million barrels of oil a day, 2) I will immediately direct my Secretary of the Interior to reauthorize all permits in the Gulf of Mexico and get thousands of Americans back to work, and 3) I will direct the NLRB to immediately halt all investigations so that it ends its assault on job-creators.
HUMAN EVENTS: How does your tax reform plan differ from Rick Perry's, Herman Cain's and Mitt Romney's?
My Jobs and Prosperity plan is designed to maximize capital investment and job creation. That's why it's the best tax plan. It will eliminate the capital gains tax, the tax on dividends and the death tax. It will reduce the corporate income tax down to a globally competitive 12.5%, and allow 100% expensing for all new equipment. In addition, we will give Americans a choice: They can file their taxes under the existing system, or eliminate hours of paperwork by filing at a 15% optional flat tax rate with limited deductions for home ownership and charitable giving. All of these bold changes are designed to maximize job creation. ...
My plan will create a boom of new American job creation and entrepreneurship by dramatically reducing the corporate tax rate to 12.5%, one of the lowest in the developed world. The Romney and Perry plans also commendably lower the corporate income tax rate, but only to a level that is average in the developed world but still higher that many of our competitors, including, for example, our neighbor Canada, whose corporate tax rate is 16.5%.
The Romney plan eliminates the capital gains tax only on some people, while we will end this job-killing tax for every single American, regardless of income.
The Perry plan sets its optional flat tax rate at 20%. Mine is 15%, which I believe will create a far more dramatic boom of jobs
and prosperity.And unlike the Herman Cain plan that creates a new federal tax and revenue stream in the form of a national sales tax, I oppose introducing any new form of taxation on the American people.
Read the whole interview here.
Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Human Events: Newt's Back in the Fight Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project