Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt Draws Large Crowds on Second Day of Georgia Bus Tour
Day two of Newt and Callista's Georgia Bus Tour brought them to the Georgia State Capitol to speak to state legislators, Covington, and Gainesville. At each stop, before large and enthusiastic crowds, Newt outlined his bold solutions for job creation and increasing American energy production to lower gasoline prices.
In Covington, Newt spoke before an overflow crowd at Peachtree Academy about his American energy plan and slammed President Obama for apologizing to Afghanistan instead of standing up for our troops.
Gingrich wasted no time in attacking President Barack Obama on his foreign and energy policies in a speech that earned him lots of cheers and a few outbursts of "Give him the boot Newt!" from an enthusiastic crowd gathered at Peachtree Academy on U.S. Highway 278.
"The Bible teaches us that without vision, the people perish," Gingrich said. But Obama's vision "is not the answer we want and it's not American," he said.
Gingrich said it's time to get back to the fundamentals of the Declaration of Independence, "which says our Creator has entitled us to certain inalienable rights. Those rights include the willingness to stand up to federal judges who don't understand that they are not allowed to rewrite the Constitution."
Gingrich continued his criticism of Obama's recent apology over the burning of the Quran by U.S. soldiers at an air force base in Afghanistan. Gingrich said the soldiers were destroying Qurans that had been defaced by Muslim prisoners.
"I believe when a president, as commander in chief, apologizes at a time when young Americans are being killed, there is something profoundly wrong," he said.
Several in the crowd said they like Gingrich's no-nonsense approach."I think he is very intelligent and I think he has been around the block more than once and we need somebody with his intelligence and his creativity to move this country forward," said Kathy Silvio of Covington.
In Gainesville, Newt toured Wilheit Packaging before heading over to the Gainesville Civic Center for a packed rally with Governor Nathan Deal.
During the rally before an exuberant Gainesville crowd, Gingrich criticized the policies of President Barack Obama, calling his world-view "the opposite of reality."
"This is a president who combines radicalism with incompetence," he said.
Meanwhile, Gingrich also hoped to distinguish himself from the other Republican hopefuls by saying they were not bold enough.
"We're not going to get America fixed on timidity," he said.
During his speech, Gingrich highlighted his policies on cutting taxes and regulation to aid economic recovery, adopting a firmer stance on an Iranian nuclear program, bolstering America's military and increasing domestic oil production.
Gingrich also reiterated his promise to bring rising gas prices back to $2.50 a gallon.
Gov. Nathan Deal and Hall County Commissioner Ashley Bell were among the dignitaries who introduced the candidate at the Civic Center ballroom, which was nearly full with supporters and members of the national media.
In introducing his former House colleague, Deal called his longtime ally a "man of big ideas" and said "he has demonstrated he can take those ideas and put them into practice."
Gingrich took the stage with his wife, Callista, and Deal, to a roar of applause.
"The governor told me we'd have a positive, enthusiastic crowd," he said to supporters. "He may have understated the local reception."
Read more about Newt's Gainesville rally with Governor Deal here. Click here for a recap of day one of Newt and Callista's Georgia Bus Tour.
Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt Draws Large Crowds on Second Day of Georgia Bus Tour Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project