As a parent of a child with Autism, Teri Sasseville from Fairburn, Georgia tells her story of working with Newt to help families with disabilities.
As my own daughter made progress, I wanted to reach out to other families dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders. So I got involved with my local chapter of the Autism Society of America (ASA).
As an advocate, I learned quickly that Newt Gingrich had always been a leading voice for people with disabilities. He championed The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and was one of the original sponsors of The American's with Disabilities Act (ADA). On the fifth anniversary of the ADA, he established a National Task Force on Disabilities and a local Task Force to coordinate advocacy at the grassroots level. When he became Speaker of the House, Newt made time to meet with ASA National leaders during the critical "first 100 days" as he was working to pass the "Contract with America."
When I called on Newt Gingrich to help raise funds for a local autism foundation he generously agreed and gave of his time to deliver speeches at three annual educational conferences to benefit the foundation, in 1994, '95, and '96.
The scheduling was tight for the 1994 event. But true to his word, Newt Gingrich kept his commitment to our kids. On the morning after he was sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives he flew in to speak at the fundraiser. In 1995, he delivered his famous "Renewing America" speech at our fundraiser before he delivered it in an address to the nation.
Newt Gingrich's participation in those three conferences raised more than $500,000 for autism research and support. That seed money has grown and continues to provide assistance to families and individuals with autism all over the United States. Newt didn't just "talk the talk" he followed through, kept his commitments and got things done for people with autism!
Those of us who have followed Newt Gingrich's career are not surprised to see him include autism, Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders on the priority list that is his 21st Century Contract with America. He has made a commitment to invest in research to advance medical innovation that will improve quality of life and reduce the astronomical amounts the US spends treating these disorders. The Alzheimer's Association believes that by merely delaying the onset for five years, between $5 and $10 trillion could be saved in the next four decades.
Recently America got a rare glimpse of the compassionate side of Newt Gingrich when he became visibly emotional discussing his late mother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease. Again, we are not surprised. Newt has been a caring friend, reaching out to help families dealing with disabilities for his entire career! He has always kept his commitments to people with disabilities. And he wants to do even more...
Read the full story here.
Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt Gingrich: Autism Advocate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project