On a campaign swing through Eastern Iowa, Newt talked about his optional flat tax plan and his leadership to find a cure for Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. His speech to the standing room only town hall meeting received rave reviews and multiple standing ovations.
From the IowaRepublican.com:
A captive audience of 150 Quad Cities natives packed into the auditorium at the Frigge Art Museum to listen to the professorial presidential prospect. He was greeted with standing ovations at the beginning and end of the event, as well as applauded an estimated two dozen times in between.
Gingrich's speech was part stump speech, part history lesson, part science class and part call to action. "If we're going to shrink the Washington bureaucracy, we have to grow citizens," he said. "We have to be bigger and more responsible."
Gingrich later encouraged the crowd to be "with me, not for me" and explained that no one person can fundamentally change America into what conservatives want it to become. "There has to be a citizen's movement," Gingrich said. "This will not work without citizens who are willing to do it." He added that the movement includes every level of government, from the presidential race to the county supervisor and city council levels.
Late in his speech, Gingrich asked the how many people in the crowd know someone who is dealing with Alzheimer's disease in their family. Most of the audience raised their hand. He ticked through a list of diseases like Parkinson's, autism and depression, receiving a similar response each time from the crowd.
Gingrich then spent several minutes explaining how the country must focus on funding brain science research to find cures. "From now to 2050, the estimated cost for Alzheimer's disease in this country is 20 trillion dollars," he explained to the stunned crowd.
Gingrich believes advances in science can change that, but America needs bold leadership to push it through. That is one of the proposals he lays out in his 21st Century Contract with America. "You want to fix Medicare in the long run, no single thing fixes it better than brain science. You want to fix Medicaid in the long run, nothing fixes it better than brain science," Gingrich said.
His speech impressed several attendees. "I think Newt is the most intelligent person running," said State Central Committee member John Ortega, who is remaining neutral in race. "I can't understand where people say he's not electable. He always amazes me when I hear him."
From the Quad City Times:
Gingrich is popular among Republicans, and it showed by the numerous times he drew applause at the Figge Art Museum.
Drew Allen, an Iowa resident who works in Hong Kong and plans to take part in the caucuses, called him "brilliant."
"I think we need someone radical," he said, but added it needs to be someone who can achieve his goals. Allen said he's considering Gingrich and Cain.
A woman in the audience, meanwhile, praised Gingrich for calling for less bickering among the Republican candidates.
The woman's comment prompted Gingrich to reply: "I literally thought the other night, I felt like I was the recess monitor on the playground, watching these two kids."
He didn't name the two candidates to whom he was referring, but last week he said the sparring between Romney and Perry was like watching a couple of "seventh-graders" and made him uncomfortable.
Gingrich said differences on policy are fair game but making it personal is not. Gingrich is going to take part next month in a debate with Cain, sponsored by the Texas Tea Party Patriots.
Gingrich's tax plan includes eliminating the capital gains and estate taxes, as well as cutting the corporate income tax to 12.5 percent. He also would create an optional flat tax, which would allow people to either stay with the current tax system or go to the one rate.
Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt Impresses Voters in Eastern Iowa Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/298123