Voice Over: "Only Rudy was appointed by Reagan."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Appointed By Reagan"
"In 1981, [Rudy] Giuliani Joined The Reagan Administration As An Associate Attorney General, The Third-Ranking Post In The Justice Department." (Josh Barbanel, "Reaganism Now Liability For Giuliani," The New York Times, 10/11/89)
"In The Justice Department, Reagan … Nominated Rudolph Giuliani As Associate Attorney General …" (Cass Peterson, "Four Are Nominated At Justice," The Washington Post, 2/21/81)
Voice Over: "And fought for conservative Judges."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Fought For Conservative Judges"
Giuliani Was A Member Of The Department Of Justice Judicial Selection Working Group. The group reviewed vacant seats and judicial candidates for the federal courts. In addition, the group dealt with issues such as efforts to obtain names of qualified women candidates for judicial vacancies. (Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Rose, Memo To Department Of Justice Judicial Selection Working Group, 2/1/82; Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Rose, Memo To Department of Justice Judicial Selection Working Group, 4/12/82)
Former Reagan Administration Assistant Attorney General Ted Olson Said Reagan Appointed Judges Like Scalia "On The Recommendation Of Rudy." Olson: "The best indicator is when Rudy was a part of the federal system in the United States Department of Justice in the early 1980's in the Reagan administration. And the people that President Reagan appointed with…on the recommendation of Rudy, among others, were the people like Bob Bork and Justice Scalia, then Judge Scalia, and so forth." (Hugh Hewitt Show, 3/1/07)
Olson Said That Giuliani Made Sure Reagan's Judicial Nominees Respected The Constitution. Olson: "Rudy and I became very, very close, part of that process was the selection of persons to recommend to President Reagan to appoint to judicial positions, including the Supreme Court, the Federal Courts of Appeals, the Federal District Courts. And one of the things we did was concentrate on the character and integrity of the individuals that we wanted to appoint to the judiciary. People would respect the constitution, laws passed by Congress and the limited role of judges." (Ted Olson, Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 7/17/07)
Giuliani Attended Weekly Meetings Devoted To Judicial Selections And Nominations, Would Share His Views On Nominees. "Numerous senior officials who served with him confirm that in addition to daily senior-management meetings with the attorney general, which covered pending nominations, Giuliani attended the Tuesday meetings devoted to judicial selections and nominations. He would present his recommendations for U.S. Attorneys and Marshals but also offer his views on judges." (Jennifer Rubin, "Rudy As Prosecutor," National Review, 4/30/07)
Former Federal Prosecutor Randy Mastro: "Mayor Giuliani Has Said That He Wants To Appoint Judges Who Will Interpret The Law And Who Will Make Policy. He Had Experience Doing That As The Number Three Official In Ronald Reagan's Department." (Randy Mastro, Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 7/17/07)
Giuliani Called John Roberts "Remarkable Candidate" With "Superb Qualifications For The Supreme Court." GIULIANI: "[John Roberts is] a remarkable candidate. I mean, there is nothing in his background that doesn't say 'superb qualifications for the Supreme Court.' His education, his academic performance, the extraordinary fact that he's argued 39 times before the Supreme Court." (Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes," 7/20/05)
Giuliani Said Democrats Would "Really Lose Credibility" If They Forcefully Opposed Roberts' Nomination. GIULIANI: "[I] think, if they do an all-out opposition to John Roberts, they're going to really lose credibility, because he is precisely what they've been talking about, someone who is extremely well-qualified, someone who's – because he hasn't been on the court for a long time, someone whose opinions you don't really know completely, but you kind of get a sense of his general philosophy." (Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes," 7/20/05)
Giuliani "Joined A Group Of Former U.S. Attorneys In Backing" Alito's Nomination. "Rudy Giuliani, a potential 2008 White House contender, joined a group of former U.S. Attorneys in backing fellow Italian-American Alito for the high court. 'He's a decent human being possessing both the intellect and the temperament to serve on the highest court in the land. He'll make a terrific Supreme Court Justice,' said … Giuliani via spokeswoman Sunny Mindel." (Deborah Orin, "Here Come Da Grudge," New York Post, 1/10/06)
Voice Over: "Only Rudy supported the Bush tax cuts. From the start."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Supported The Bush Tax Cuts"
"{G]iuliani … Argued That Cutting Income Taxes, Estate Taxes And So-Called Marriage Penalties Would Strengthen The Financial-Services Industry, A Key Force In The City And State Economy." (Dan Janison and Katia Hetter, "Bracing For Bush," Newsday, 12/15/00)
In Early 2001, Giuliani Argued For Tax Cuts As Best Insurance Against Recession. "As other prominent Republicans, most notably President Bush, have suggested, the mayor argued that cutting taxes would be the best insurance against a recession. 'Before I came into office there was no such thing as a tax reduction,' Giuliani said, adding that a reduced tax burden is 'one of the main reasons New York City is outperforming the rest of the country.'" (Ryan McKaig, "Giuliani's Last Budget: $39.3 Billion," The Bond Buyer, 1/26/01)
Giuliani: "I Thought You Were Going To Ask Me About The Performance Of Our New President, Which I Think Has Been Excellent To Date, Including His… His Tax Cut, Which Would Be A Great Jobs Program For New York." (MSNBC's "The News," 2/7/01)
"He Also Voiced General Support For Republican Gov. George Pataki In His Battle With The State Legislature Over The Budget, Saying He Shares The Belief That Lower Taxes Stimulate Economic Growth. 'That's The Philosophy Of President Bush, That's The Philosophy Of George Pataki, And That's Mine,' Said Giuliani." ("Giuliani: More Practice, Not Money, Needed For Better Defense," The Associated Press, 5/14/03)
"In His Comments Yesterday, Giuliani Also Praised President Bush's Plan To Cut Individual And Business Taxes By Some $350 Billion Over 10 Years. 'I Think What The President Is Doing Is Correct,' He Said." (David Saltonstall, "Rudy Sez Tax Hike Hurts," Daily News, 5/20/03)
McCain Opposed President Bush's 2001 Tax Cuts. (H.R. 1836, Senate Vote #170, Conference Report Agreed To: 58-33: R 46-2, D 12-31, 5/26/01, McCain Voted Nay; Lori Nitschke and Wendy Boudreau, "Provisions Of The Tax Law," CQ Weekly, 6/9/01)
McCain Voted Against 2003 Tax Cuts Twice, Including Final Passage. (H.R. 2, Senate Vote #179, Passed 51-49: R 48-3, D 3-45, I 0-1, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, Senate Vote #196, Conference Report Agreed To 51-50: R 48-3, D 2-46, I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A "Yea" Vote, 5/23/03, McCain Voted Nay)
In 2003, Romney Refused To Publicly Support President Bush's Tax Cuts, But Would Not Publicly Oppose Them In Order To Keep "Solid Relationship" With White House, Leaving Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) "Very Pleased." (Wayne Washington and Glen Johnson, "Romney Weighs In – Carefully – On Bush Tax-Cut Plan," The Boston Globe, 4/11/03)
Voice Over: "Only Rudy fixed a broken economy."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Fixed A Broken Economy"
Club For Growth's Pat Toomey: "It Is Important To Remember That Gotham's Economic Revival Was Due, In Large Part, To Giuliani's Determination To Stimulate A Stagnant Economy By Cutting Taxes And Spending, Even In The Face Of Fierce Opposition." (Pat Toomey, Op-Ed, "Big Apple Success Story," National Review Online,, 5/14/07, Accessed 10/22/07)
Under Giuliani, Real GDP In New York City Increased 35.44% – Averaging 4.43% Per Year And Outpacing National GDP Growth By 13.2%. (Monthly Report On Current Economic Conditions, City Of New York Office Of Management And Budget, 5/2/03)
New York City Unemployment Was 10.4% When Mayor Giuliani Took Office In January 1994. (New York State Department of Labor, New York State Workforce & Industry Employment And Unemployment Data,, Accessed 3/12/07)
New York City Unemployment Reached A Low Of 5.0% In May 2001, Mayor Giuliani's Last Year In Office. (New York State Department of Labor, New York State Workforce & Industry Employment And Unemployment Data,, Accessed 3/12/07)
As Giuliani Took Office In 1994, The New York Times Reported "Some 320,000 Jobs Have Vanished Since 1989." (Chip Brown, "Escape From New York," The New York Times, 1/30/94)
Under Mayor Giuliani, 423,000 New Private Sector Jobs Were Created. (New York State Department of Labor, New York State Workforce & Industry Private Employment Data,, Accessed 3/12/07)
Giuliani Faced Fiscal Crisis When He Took Office In 1994. "Of all the problems Giuliani will face, none will loom larger – or sooner – than the question of what to do about the city's finances." (Karen Rothmyer, "Giuliani Seen As Good For Business," Newsday, 11/4/93)
Mayor Giuliani Inherited $2.3 Billion Budget Deficit And Turned It Into Multi-Billion Dollar Surplus. (Steven Lee Myers, "A Deficit Revisited," The New York Times, 7/31/94; City Of New York Office Of The Comptroller, Fiscal Year 2001 Comprehensive Annual Report: Basic Financial Statements Part II-A, p. 14)
Giuliani Turned Budget From Crisis By Slashing Spending. "Facing a deficit projected to grow to $2.3 billion because of spending increases built in to the city's budget, Giuliani balanced the books by slashing discretionary spending, by relentlessly pushing for productivity gains from city workers, and by selling city assets. … By the time Giuliani had finished, he'd cut enough city fat not only to offset the billions in automatic spending increases but even to reduce total city spending by $680 million – the first time in nearly a half century that the city's budget shrank from one year to the next." (Steven Malanga, "Soundings: 'Dinkins Redux?'" City Journal, Autumn 2002)
During The Five Years Prior To Mayor Giuliani's Taking Office, New York's Home Price Index Decreased 9%, Compared To A 6.6% Increase Nationally. (Standard & Poor's Website,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0.html, Accessed 1/10/08)
During Mayor Giuliani's Time In Office, New York's Home Price Index Went Up 63%, Compared To A 53% Increase Nationally. (Standard & Poor's Website,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0.html, Accessed 1/10/08)
Voice Over: "And cut taxes more than the others combined."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Cut More Taxes"
Americans For Tax Reform's Grover Norquist: "In Looking At The Records Of All The Republican Candidates, Yours Clearly Stands Out. … You Are The Most Successful Tax Cutter In Modern New York History And, On Balance, The Most Successful Tax Cutter In The Republican Field Today." (Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, Letter To Mayor Rudy Giuliani, 12/3/07)
Club For Growth's Pat Toomey: "Rudy Giuliani Accomplished More Cutting Taxes Than Anybody Else In A Very Difficult Environment. I Think That – You Know, I Think We Have Got To Give Him Credit For That Difficult Environment In Which He Did That." (Fox News' "Your World," 10/17/07)
Roger Stone: Giuliani's "Tax-Cut Talk Transcends The Tax Promises Of Most Politicians In Terms Of Political Value; Giuliani Has Actually Done It And Shown Results." (Roger Stone, "Rudy's Shot," "The Stone Zone" Blog,, 8/24/07, Accessed 8/26/07)
Giuliani Worked With New York City's Democratic City Council To Reduce Taxes 23 Times. Giuliani: "We wanted to reduce taxes and be able to accomplish some of that with the Democratic City Council, overwhelmingly Democratic. We ended up reducing taxes … 23 times successfully …" (Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Interview With WOKQ Radio's Don Brian, Portsmouth, NH, 3/12/07)
Giuliani Tax Cuts Saved Individuals And Businesses In New York Over $9 Billion. (City Of New York Executive Budget, Fiscal Year 1996; City Of New York Executive Budget, Fiscal Year 1997; City Of New York Executive Budget, Fiscal Year 1998; City Of New York Executive Budget, Fiscal Year 2002)
By End Of Giuliani's Term, New Yorkers' Tax Burden Was Reduced 19.88%. (New York City Office Of Management And Budget, Monthly Report On Current Economic Conditions; New York City Office Of The Comptroller, FY 2001 CAFR)
Under Mike Huckabee, Arkansas Residents' State Tax Burden Increased 18.75%. (Bureau Of Economic Analysis Website,, Accessed 1/9/08; U.S. Census Bureau Website,, Accessed 1/9/08)
Under Mitt Romney, Massachusetts Residents' State Tax Burden Increased 8.17%. (Bureau Of Economic Analysis Website,, Accessed 1/9/08; U.S. Census Bureau Website,, Accessed 1/9/08)
Sen. John McCain Was Never An Executive In A State, City, Municipality, County, Or Other Government, And Thus Could Not Deliver Tax Cuts. (Congressional Biographical Guide Website,, Accessed 1/9/08)
Voice Over: "Only Rudy has a plan to lower insurance rates."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "National Catastrophe Fund"
Giuliani Supports Catastrophe Fund As "Federal Backstop." "Giuliani supports one of the top priorities of Crist and other Florida leaders from both parties: creation of a national fund to help cover catastrophic loses from national disasters. The idea is to spread the risk and limit the liability of insurance companies so they can provide more affordable rates. 'You should have a federal backstop for once-in-a-century catastrophes, once-in-a-decade catastrophes, these horrible things that happen,' he said. He said beneficiaries and state and local governments need to absorb some risk. Noting New York's potential vulnerability to hurricanes and the West Coast's susceptibility to earthquakes, Giuliani said such a program would be good for other parts of the country as well as Florida." (Anthony Man, "Giuliani Visits Florida," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 12/7/07)
Mayor Giuliani Fully Supports Creation Of National Catastrophic Insurance Fund. Mayor Giuliani: "Every community in America must be prepared for natural disasters and terrorist attacks, which is why I support the creation of a National Catastrophe Insurance Fund and why I have made ensuring that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters one of my 12 Commitments to the American People. … Right now, many people in states like Florida, California and Louisiana find it difficult to purchase insurance for catastrophic natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. It's right for the government to play a role in seeing that fair, equitable and affordable private insurance markets are open for all our citizens." (Rudy Giuliani For President, Press Release, 1/10/08)
"Former New York Mayor And GOP Presidential Hopeful Rudy Giuliani Stopped In Tallahassee On [4/4/07], Vowing To Support A National Catastrophe Fund …" (Joe Follick and Lloyd Dunkelberger, "Parliamentarianism Clogs Clarity Quest," The [Lakeland, FL] Ledger, 4/8/07)
"Giuliani Told Legislators While In Tallahassee That He Backs A National Catastrophe Fund To Bail Out States Hit By Disasters, Including Hurricanes, One Of The Top Federal Government Priorities Of Florida Leaders." (William March, "Giuliani Puts Democrats On Defensive," Tampa Tribune, 4/5/07)
Giuliani Said He Thought National Catastrophic Insurance Was A "Very Good Idea." QUESTION: "Can you share your thoughts on a national catastrophic insurance program?" GIULIANI: "I just talked to your Governor about that. Talked to your Governor about it many times. He's explained it to me in great detail. The Attorney General, when he was a candidate, when I supported him, I think it is a very good idea. I think it's a very good idea not just for Florida, it's a very good idea for the whole country. We all need it. You need it for hurricanes, California needs it for earthquakes, somebody else needs it for tornadoes. New York needs it for ice storms and for hurricanes. During the time I was the mayor, my governor, Governor Pataki, had to deal with two really catastrophic ice storms in northern New York. We sent him some help, he did a great job of doing it, but we need that help. The parts of the country that think it only helps Florida, I think are missing all the other natural catastrophes and disasters and maybe they are not hurricanes, but they are all the other things I mentioned." (Mayor Giuliani, Remarks To Florida Legislators, Tallahassee, FL, 4/4/07)
Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL): "A National Catastrophe Fund Would Not Only Lower Insurance Rates For Our Citizens, It Would Also Use Taxpayers Dollars In The Most Efficient Manner." (Gov. Charlie Crist, Op-Ed, "National Catastrophe Fund Needed Now," [Fort Lauderdale] Sun-Sentinel, 5/14/07)
"[A] National Catastrophe Fund Could Go A Long Way Toward Providing Incentives For More Insurers To Write Policies In Florida, Bringing Competition And The Promise Of Lower Rates Without Putting The State's Finances Any Further On The Hook." (Editorial, "Crist Lobbies Congress," [Fort Lauderdale] Sun-Sentinel, 2/28/07)
National Catastrophe Fund Would Lower Rates By Boosting Competition. "Lastly, the Legislature should strongly back creation by Congress of a national catastrophe fund, to protect insurers from enormous losses and boost rate-lowering competition." (Editorial, "D-Day For The Legislature," Florida Today, 3/5/06)
Voice Over: "And pass the biggest tax cut in history. Tested in crisis. Ready to lead. Rudy Giuliani. The only one for Florida."
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "Biggest Tax Cut In History"
Mayor Giuliani: "I'm Rudy Giuliani and I approve this message."
Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist: Giuliani's Tax Cut Is "The Largest In History." (Americans For Tax Reform, "Rudy Giuliani Tax Cut Plan," Press Release, 1/9/08)
Americans For Tax Reform: "This package is the most pro-growth tax cut of any GOP presidential candidate." (Americans For Tax Reform, "Rudy Giuliani Tax Cut Plan," Press Release,, 1/9/08)
Steve Forbes: "This Is The Most Significant Move To Tax Simplification In Over 20 Years." (Fox Business Network's "Fox Business," 1/9/08)
Townhall.Com's Matt Lewis: "According To One Economic Expert I Talked To: '[Giuliani's] Plan Would Be Huge. It Would Be 4% Of GDP. By Comparison, GWB Tax Cut Was 1.3% Of GDP. Reagan's Was 1.9% Of GDP.'" (Matt Lewis, "Rudy's New Tax Plan Unveiled,",, 1/9/08, Accessed 1/9/08)
U.S. News & World Report's James Pethokoukis: Giuliani's Tax Plan "Would Be The Largest Tax Cut In The History Of The American Republic. Actually, Of Any Republic—Ours, Rome's, Greece's. Just Huge…" (James Pethokoukis, "Giuliani's Shock-and-Awe Tax Plan," U.S. News & World Report's "Capital Commerce" Blog,, 1/10/08, Accessed 1/10/08)
Mayor Giuliani's Plan To Cut Taxes Includes Making The Bush Tax Cuts Permanent, Eliminating The Death Tax, Indexing The Alternative Minimum Tax To Inflation With The Goal Of Eliminating It. (Giuliani For President, "Rudy Giuliani Is The Real Fiscal Conservative Running For President," Press Release, 1/9/08)
According To The Congressional Budget Office, Permanently Extending The Bush Tax Cuts Would Save Taxpayers $3.1 Trillion. ("The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Year 2008 To 2017," Congressional Budget Office, 1/07, p. 107)
According To The Congressional Budget Office, Eliminating The Death Tax Would Save Taxpayers $480 Billion. ("The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Year 2008 To 2017," Congressional Budget Office, 1/07, p. 81)
According To The Congressional Budget Office, Indexing The Alternative Minimum Tax To Inflation Would Save Taxpayers $1.1 Trillion. ("The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update," Congressional Budget Office, 8/07, p. 20-21.)
Giuliani's Tax Plan Will Simplify The Tax Code By Introducing Optional FAST Form. "Mayor Giuliani plans to simplify the tax code by introducing the Fair and Simple Tax (FAST) form. The FAST form gives American taxpayers the option of filling out their taxes on a single page, while cutting the current six brackets in half and preserving the major deductions that Americans depend upon – mortgage interest, charity, state & local taxes, the child tax credit, the personal exemption and the new health care exclusion." (Giuliani For President, "Rudy Giuliani Outlines Plan To Cut Taxes And Reform The Tax Code," Press Release, 1/9/08)
"Rudy's Plan Also Cuts The Corporate Tax Rate From 35% To 25% To Keep America Competitive In The Global Economy." (Giuliani For President, "Rudy Giuliani Outlines Plan To Cut Taxes And Reform The Tax Code," Press Release, 1/9/08)
"In Addition, The Mayor Proposes … Cutting The Capital Gains Tax From 15% To 10% …" (Giuliani For President, "Rudy Giuliani Outlines Plan To Cut Taxes And Reform The Tax Code," Press Release, 1/9/08)
"In Addition, The Mayor's Proposal Eliminates The Double-Taxation Of Personal Saving Accounts, Reinstates The Research And Development Tax Credit And Makes The Current Bush Tax Cuts Permanent." (Giuliani For President, "Rudy Giuliani Outlines Plan To Cut Taxes And Reform The Tax Code," Press Release, 1/9/08)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Giuliani Ad Facts: "Only One" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project