Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches Florida Television Ad, "Clear"
The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced the launch of the campaign's closing Florida television ad, entitled "Clear." The ad will offer a summary of the reasons Rudy Giuliani is the clear choice for Florida voters. It will air on CBS affiliates in Florida before 60 Minutes on Sunday night.
Visit to view the ad. The script is below.
Script for "Clear":
Voice Over: "In the race for President who stands up for Florida? Only Rudy Giuliani."
Chyron: "In the race for President"
Chyron: "who stands up for Florida?"
Chyron: "ONLY Rudy Giuliani"
Mayor Giuliani: "A Giuliani presidency will have two clear goals: returning our economic policy to the values of Ronald Reagan and taking the offense against Islamic terrorism."
Voice Over: "Rudy Giuliani transformed a city called unmanageable …"
Chyron: "Rudy Giuliani"
Voice Over: "… into 'the most successful episode of conservative governance in the past 50 years.'"
Chyron: "'the most successful episode of conservative governance in the past 50 years.' – George Will, Conservative Columnist, 1/28/07"
Voice Over: "Only Rudy Giuliani"
Chyron: "ONLY Rudy Giuliani"
Mayor Giuliani: "On my first day as President, I'll send Congress the largest tax cut in history. I'll take my case straight to the American people. I'll fight for it, I'll pass it and I know it'll work because I've done it before. And I'll deliver a national catastrophe fund to reduce insurance rates because I know what it means to your future."
Voice Over: "In America's fourth largest government …"
Voice Over: "Rudy delivered record tax cuts …"
Voice Over: "reformed welfare …"
Voice Over: "and reduced spending. Only Rudy Giuliani."
Chyron: "ONLY Rudy Giuliani"
Mayor Giuliani: "Dealing with Yasser Arafat, Fidel Castro, and the Mafia I learned one thing. The way you deal with terrorists, tyrants, and bullies is you to stand up them. You don't back down."
Voice Over: "In crisis, the nation looked to Rudy Giuliani for strength and hope. And in our darkest hours, we found it. Only Rudy Giuliani."
Chyron: "ONLY Rudy Giuliani"
Mayor Giuliani: "This is the greatest country in the world. We have the will and the courage and the ideals to ensure the economic and physical safety of every single citizen. All we need is the leadership. And leading in crisis is what I do best."
Voice Over: "ONLY Rudy Giuliani."
Mayor Giuliani: "I'm Rudy Giuliani, I approve this message, and I'm asking for your vote."
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches Florida Television Ad, "Clear" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project