Giuliani Campaign Press Release - In Tax-Free New Hampshire, Giuliani Lambastes Democratic Tax Proposals
The Associated Press
December 2, 2007
Glen Johnson
Republican Rudy Giuliani is … cutting to the chase with low-tax talk likely to resonate in a state whose lack of income tax speaks to the political leanings of its GOP primary voters.
The former New York mayor, wrapping up his second consecutive weekend in an early presidential primary state … said Sunday the leading Democratic contenders want to raise taxes by up to 30 percent, and their much-discussed hike in capital gains levies could send business investment overseas.
"If you tax too much in the United States, they go to Bermuda or Ireland or eastern Europe or India or China or someplace else," Giuliani told about 100 people attending [a] house party on the state's vote-rich Seacoast. "The businesses can go there with the jobs and the money can go there as part of the investment."
"If you raise taxes now, think of it this way, you lose jobs, because money is mobile," added Giuliani. "People can make decisions about their money. They don't have to put it some place where taxes are very high."
Giuliani singled out Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards.
"They're fighting over just how much they're going to raise your taxes, but they are fighting over raising your taxes, and all of them want to raise it to a very, very large extent, anywhere from 20 to 30 percent," Giuliani said. "I know they say they're just going to raise it on the rich, but you gotta look at how they define ‘rich,' and what's going to happen with that. ‘Rich' is going to turn out to be anybody paying taxes. …"
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Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - In Tax-Free New Hampshire, Giuliani Lambastes Democratic Tax Proposals Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project