Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying...About Mayor Giuliani's Second Quarter Fundraising
Fox News' Shepard Smith Said Giuliani's Fundraising "Far Outpaces" GOP Field. Fox News' Shepard Smith: "We've often said that the amount of money you raise can be a good indicator of how things are going. Rudy Giuliani's campaign just announced that he's raised more than $17 million in the second quarter for both the primary and general elections, ended the quarter with no debt and $18 million cash on hand. That far outpaces the rest of the Republican candidates." (Fox News' "Studio B," 7/3/07)
CNN's Bill Schneider: "Now Giuliani is the only one of the top three Republicans whose total went up in the second quarter. He now leads the Republican field in fund-raising …" (CNN's "The Situation Room," 7/3/07)
American Spectator's Philip Klein: "[L]ooks like a solid quarter for Rudy relative to his GOP rivals …" (Philip Klein, American Spectator Blog, "Rudy Raises $15 Mln (Primary), $17 Mln (Total)," www.spectator.org, Accessed: 7/3/07)
Klein: "So, by any monetary measure, Giuliani is now ahead of Romney." (Philip Klein, American Spectator Blog, "Rudy Raises $15 Mln (Primary), $17 Mln (Total)," www.spectator.org, Accessed: 7/3/07)
Los Angeles Times' Andrew Malcolm: "Rudy Giuliani's campaign reported … a whopping $18 million-plus in cash on hand now with zero debt." (Andrew Malcolm, "Go Get $6.5 Million From The ATM, Will You Please?," Los Angeles Times' Blog, http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2007/07/go-get-65-milli.html, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
Newsday's Tom Brune: "[Giuliani] has put more money in the bank than he has spent so far on his campaign this year." (Tom Brune, "Rudy Takes Lead In GOP Fundraising," Newsday, 7/3/07)
National Review's Yuval Levin: "[T]he GOP funding figures paint a picture of a strong Giuliani campaign …" (Yuval Levin, "GOP Money," National Review's "The Corner" Blog, http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZTJmZDgzZTMwOTI5YmU5NTVlNWE2OTE4MjcyZGM3MmY, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
CBN's David Brody: Giuliani "Continues To Defy The Odds." "[A]t the end of the day, the story here is Giuliani. He continues to defy the odds. People want to write him off because as a Republican, his views are too liberal. Well, he's been pretty clear and public with his views and so far, financially at least, he's not taking a hit. … [C]learly, there seems to be an appetite for Giuliani out there." (David Brody, CBN News' "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/189113.aspx, 7/3/07)
Brody: Giuliani "Plays Well In Certain Evangelical Circles." "His strength is in the ideological middle and his tough talk on terrorism and reputation as a crime fighting straight talking guy who gets things done plays well in certain Evangelical circles. Not to mention, these Evangelicals think he is the only Republican that can beat Hillary Clinton in the General Election." (David Brody, CBN News' "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/189113.aspx, 7/3/07)
Brody: ""It's a long road to The White House but Giuliani is beginning to prove he has staying power." (David Brody, CBN News' "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/189113.aspx, 7/3/07)
Bloomberg's Kristen Johnson: "[R]udy Giuliani beat rivals by raising more than $17 million in the second quarter for his campaign, outpacing his take in the first three months." (Kristen Johnson, "Giuliani Beats Rivals, Raises More Than $17 Million in Quarter," http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=a4KZUgLO_kMo&refer=us, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
New York Sun's Ryan Sager: "The numbers are in, and Rudy Giuliani has taken the lead in the money race for 2008 …" (Ryan Sager, "Cash Chase: Rudy Takes The Lead," New York Sun's "Latest Politics" Blog, http://www.latestpolitics.com/blog/2007/07/cash-chase-rudy-takes-the-lead.html, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
The Associated Press' Jim Kuhnhenn: "[G]iuliani saw an increase in his fundraising over the first quarter …" (Jim Kuhnhenn, "Giuliani Raises $15 Million, Romney Collects $14 Million In Second Quarter," The Associated Press, 7/3/07)
New York Observer's Andrew Rice: "[I]t looks like Rudy Giuliani's going to be the second-quarter fundraising champ on the Republican side. This should cement his position as the frontrunner …" (Andrew Rice, "Rudy's Out Front," New York Observer's "The Politicker" Blog, http://www.observer.com/2007/rudys-out-front, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
CBS News' David Miller: "[Giuliani] … the only one of the top three declared GOP candidates to see his receipts rise from one quarter to the next." (David Miller, "Pure Horserace: Giuliani Leads The Way," CBSnews.com, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/07/03/politics/purehorserace/main3012959, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder: "Only Rudy sustained his fundraising pace." (Marc Ambinder, "Rudy's 2nd Quarter: $15M+ For The Primary," The Atlantic's Blog, http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2007/07/rudys_2nd_quarter_15m_for_the.php, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
The Wall Street Journal's Amy Schatz: "The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee … has outraised every other Republican campaign and has over $18 million cash on hand." (Amy Schatz, "McCain's Competitors Report Money Results," The Wall Street Journal's "Washington Wire" Blog, http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2007/07/03/mccain%e2%80%99s-competitors-report-money-results/, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
The Wall Street Journal's Amy Schatz: "Not to be outdone, the Giuliani camp reported it received donations ‘from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia.'" (Amy Schatz, "McCain's Competitors Report Money Results," The Wall Street Journal's "Washington Wire" Blog, http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2007/07/03/mccain%e2%80%99s-competitors-report-money-results/, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
NY1's Lewis Dodley: "Rudy Giuliani is tops among the GOP presidential candidates when it comes to raising cash." (NY1, 7/3/07)
The Politico's Jonathan Martin: Giuliani's "thrifty ways left him with $18 million in the bank." (Jonathan Martin, "GOP Quickie Cash Wrap," The Politico's Blog, http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/0707/GOP_quickie_cash_wrap.html, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
Martin: Giuliani's "cash on hand … makes him the ostensible Republican money leader." (Jonathan Martin, "GOP Quickie Cash Wrap," The Politico's Blog, http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/0707/GOP_quickie_cash_wrap.html, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
RealClearPolitics Blog's Tom Bevan: "Giuliani has $18 million cash on hand, which is $6 million more than Mitt Romney and $16 million more than John McCain." (Tom Bevan, "Rudy Reports Q2 Numbers," Real Clear Politics Blog, http://time-blog.com/real_clear_politics/2007/07/rudys_reports_q2_numbers.html?xid=rss-rcp, 7/3/07, Accessed 7/3/07)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying...About Mayor Giuliani's Second Quarter Fundraising Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295651