Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying...About Mayor Giuliani's Trip To London
The Guardian's Oliver Burkeman: "Good time-management skills … certainly helped Mr Giuliani yesterday: in one 24-hour trip to London, he managed to wrap himself in the reputations of no fewer than four prime ministers – Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, each of whom he met in the morning; Winston Churchill, whose granddaughter spoke at the fund-raising lunch; and Margaret Thatcher …" (Oliver Burkeman, "A Day In The Life Of A Candidate … Three Pms And A £500-A-Head Lunch: Republican Presidential Frontrunner Takes The Campaign Trail To London," The Guardian, 9/20/07)
The Daily Telegraph's Toby Hamden: "The unprecedented feat of staging a show of genuine closeness to four British prime ministers … placed the former New York mayor firmly on the global stage and cemented his claim to be a world leader." (Toby Harnden, "Rudy Giuliani campaigns with Brown and Blair," The Daily Telegraph, 9/20/07)
Celia Sandys, Winston Churchill's granddaughter, called Giuliani "Churchill in a baseball cap." (Marc Santora, "Giuliani's Day In London," The New York Times' "The Caucus" Blog, http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/09/19/giulianis-day-in-london/, 9/19/07, Accessed 9/19/07)
The Sun: "Gordon Brown and US presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani looked a perfect match … when they met at Number 10." ("United States Of Fashion At No. 10," The Sun, 9/19/07)
10 Downing Street spokesman: "Mayor Giuliani asked to pay a call on the Prime Minister, and given his experience in New York and counter terrorism, the Prime Minister thought it would be a good idea to see him." ("United States Of Fashion At No. 10," The Sun, 9/19/07)
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: "The picture of Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor, in front of 10 Downing Street, sends a signal to Republican voters, that this guy is ready for prime time … You got to admit, that's a heck of a shot." (MSNBC's "News Live," 9/19/07)
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski said Mayor Giuliani's trip to London shows he is "ready to deal with global policy." (MSNBC's "News Live," 9/19/07)
ABC News' Jake Tapper said Giuliani was "Channeling Churchill and Reagan" on his trip. (Jake Tapper, "Giuliani Casts Himself As Heir To Reagan Mantle," ABCNews.com, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3623930&page=1, 9/19/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
The Washington Post's Dan Balz: "His foreign policy pronouncements were certainly Thatcheresque." (Dan Balz, "Not Waiting For The Nomination, Giuliani Makes All The World His Stage," The Washington Post's "The Trail" Blog, http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/09/20/post_85.html, 9/20/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
The Slate's Christopher Beam: "As the first '08 candidate to campaign in Britain, Giuliani scores an early touchdown (run?) in the Foreign Policy Primary." (Christopher Beam, "Rudy Giuliani: Anglophile," The Slate's "Trailhead" Blog, http://www.slate.com/id/2174057/fr/nl/, 9/19/07, Accessed 9/17/07)
ABC News' Rick Klein: "This is a frontrunner's campaign that's hitting its stride." (Rick Klein, "Fishy Donors Haunt Hillary's Run," ABCNews.com's "The Note" Blog, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/TheNote/story?id=3105288&page=1, 9/20/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
Newsday's Tom Brune: "Invited here by British conservatives, Giuliani took advantage of every opportunity to burnish his image as an international leader, meeting with Prime Minister Gordon Brown at 10 Downing St., his predecessor Tony Blair and iconic conservative Margaret Thatcher." (Tom Brune, "Rudy gets tough about Iran's nuclear plans" Newsday, 9/20/07)
The Daily News' Ellen Tumposky and David Saltonstall: "Rudy Giuliani took a star turn on the world stage here yesterday, huddling with prime ministers … The former mayor had an audience with Prime Minister Gordon Brown at 10 Downing St., an honor usually reserved for world leaders." (Ellen Tumposky and David Saltonstall, "On U.K. Schmooze Tour, Rudy Giuliani Boasts Of His Fame," Daily News, 9/20/07)
Townhall.com's Matt Lewis: "Once again, Rudy has seized the moment." (Matt Lewis, "Rudy's Move-on To London …" Townhall.com's Blog, http://www.townhall.com/blog/g/bee8e339-6ad8-4961-ab38-d7c1d4b32f84, 9/19/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
The Washington Post: "A Republican strategist who is not part of the former mayor's circle of supporters marveled at the images beaming back from Giuliani's trip. What they conveyed to GOP voters, he said, was the first image of 'the post-Bush era with another Republican standing on the world stage.'" (Dan Balz, "Not Waiting For The Nomination, Giuliani Makes All The World His Stage," The Washington Post's "The Trail" Blog, http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/09/20/post_85.html, 9/20/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
NBC's "First Read": "And this week's trip to London … is giving Giuliani an opportunity to look 'presidential.'" (NBC's "First Read," http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/09/20/369778.aspx, 9/20/07, Accessed 9/20/07)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying...About Mayor Giuliani's Trip To London Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295215