Florida Voter: "[Giuliani] is strong. He's strong. He's what we need. He's got the track record …" (Fox News, 10/21/07)
- Ask By Frank Luntz: "Why Giuliani?" Florida Voter Said, "Clear, concise, direct answers and he's a man who's got a track record of execution." (Fox News, 10/21/07)
Pollster Frank Luntz on Fox News focus group reaction: "Rudy Giuliani definitely benefited from tonight's debate. Very clearly." (Fox News, 10/21/07)
The Orlando Sentinel's Scott Maxwell: "Rudy Scores, Fred Pauses." (Scott Maxwell, "Rudy Scores, Fred Pauses," Orlando Sentinel's "Taking Names" Blog, http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_local_namesblog/2007/10/rudy-scores-fre.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Maxwell said Giuliani scored points "for pointing out that he and all of his GOP peers are here in Florida and not writing off the state the way the Democrats have. He is right on that point …" (Scott Maxwell, "Rudy Scores, Fred Pauses," Orlando Sentinel's "Taking Names" Blog, http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_local_namesblog/2007/10/rudy-scores-fre.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Maxwell: "[T]he audience seemed to be in Rudy's corner." (Scott Maxwell, "Winners And Losers," Orlando Sentinel's "Taking Names" Blog, http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_local_namesblog/2007/10/winners-and-los.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder: "Giuliani again proved that he is so adept in these formats and can handle really any question with finesse. And he showed, again, that he is the Republican who best frames the race against Hillary Clinton. He's a natural at it." (Marc Ambinder, "The Republican Debate: First Take," The Atlantic's Blog, http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2007/10/the_republican_debate_first_ta.php, 10/21/07)
NRO's Lowry: "Rudy was excellent as always—forceful, lively, substantive." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "Rudy And McCain," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
- Lowry: "Rudy feels fresher." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "Rudy And McCain," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
- Lowry: "[R]udy scores at the end with the Fred-has-no-executive-experience line. As always, Rudy shows he's very capable of defending himself." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "Fred V. Rudy," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
- Lowry: "Rudy Cares About The Kids More: Truly Great Answer." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "Rudy Cares About The Kids More," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
- Lowry: "Rudy swats away Romney, and then goes on a real roll." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "'You've Gotta Be Kiddin' Me,'" corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
- Lowry: "Rudy Explains Health Care Very Well." (Rich Lowry, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "Rudy Explains Health Care Very Well," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
NBC's Chuck Todd said Giuliani had a "feisty start." (Chuck Todd, "Rudy Ignores Fred's Attack By Attacking Back, NBC's "First Read" Blog, http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/10/21/422985.aspx, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
ABC News' Rick Klein: "Rudy Giuliani was in control of the stage at key moments …" (Rick Klein, ABC News' Political Radar, "Live-Blogging During Tonight's GOP Debate," http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2007/10/live-blogging-1.html, 10/21/07)
NRO's Mark Hemingway: "Rudy is still the most consistent guy in these debates." Mark Hemingway, National Review Online's The Corner Blog, "My Debate Wrap Up," corner.nationalreview.com, 10/21/07)
The American Spectator's John Tabin: "Rudy: He's now consistently excelling in the debates, and was particularly strong on education." (John Tabin, "Candidate Scoreboard," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog," http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8827, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
AmSpec Blog's Philip Klein: "He gave a strong answer by saying he cares about teachers, but cares about the kids more." (Philip Klein, The American Spectator's AmSpec Blog, Giuliani On School Choice, http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8817, 10/21/07)
- Klein: "The fiesty, reformist, Rudy came out when he talked about fighting beauracracy and called choice, as he as before, the 'civil rights issue of our time.'" (Philip Klein, The American Spectator's AmSpec Blog, Giuliani On School Choice, http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8817, 10/21/07)
- Klein: "Giuliani's strong personality was on display, and his answers on Iran and school choice were pitch perfect." (Philip Klein, "Debate Wrap," The American Spectator's AmSpecBlog, http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp, 10/21/07)
The American Spectator's Jennifer Rubin: "This is the Rudy that got liberals mad in NY— taking on government bureaucrats." (Jennifer Rubin, "Debate 3," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog," http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8816, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Rubin: "When he goes into his Hillary taunts and his 'I like kids better' there is no space between him and the most conservative of the base."(Jennifer Rubin, "Another Break," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog," http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8821, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- The American Spectator's Jennifer Rubin: "Rudy's answer on Iran is very strong …" (Jennifer Rubin, "Debate 5," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog," http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=8824, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Rubin: "Rudy was … on his game — the best answers on school choice and Iran with his Hillary routine still the best you can find." (Jennifer Rubin, "Wrap," The American Spectator's AmSpecBlog, http://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp, 10/21/07)
Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Asked about his clashes with New York City teachers, Rudy unapologetically said of educators: 'There are great ones, there are average ones, there are bad ones.' … It's these frank appeals to the conservative gut that remind Republicans that he's one of them." (Jonathan Martin, "This Is Why It's Hard To Paint Rudy As A Lefty," Politico's Blog, http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/1007/This_is_why_its_hard_to_paint_Rudy_as_a_lefty.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Martin: "When Rudy noted that his poll deficit to Hillary was 'within the margin of error,' the Floridians in the crowd let loose with some applause." (Jonathan Martin, "The State Of Affairs For The GOP," Politico's Blog, http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/1007/The_state_of_affairs_for_the_GOP.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
Townhall.com's Matt Lewis said Rudy had a "great line" on education. "When pressed about teachers not liking him, Rudy has a great line about how he cares about teachers, but he cares about the kids more." (Matt Lewis, "GOP Candidates Mix-It-Up," Townhall.com's Blog, www.townhall.com, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
Right Wing News' John Hawkins: "Spot-on Rudy. We don't want to fight with Iran, but better to fight with Iran than allow them to have nukes." (John Hawkins, Right Wing News' Blog, "Debate Liveblogging," http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2007/10/debate_quasiliveblogging.php, 10/21/07)
Power Line Blog's Scott Johnson: "Rudy Giuliani undeniably shone." (Scott Johnson, "Best Line Of The Camaign So Far," Power Line Blog, http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives2/2007/10/018821.php, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying...About Mayor Giuliani Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295621