Graham Campaign Press Release - Graham's #FITN Tour: Weekend Campaigning With Senator John McCain
Graham: "We're Going To Rebuild Our Military, Not Close Down Facilities. If I'm President, There Would Be No More BRAC Commission."
Seacoast Online: "Graham Spent The Day Touring Seacoast Facilities Before Traveling To Manchester With Supporter And Former GOP Presidential Candidate Sen. John McCain."
(Jesse Scardina, "Sen. Graham at shipyard: No more base closures," Seacoast Online, 10/10/5)
Over the weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham continued his 9-day tour of New Hampshire joined by two-time New Hampshire Primary winner Senator John McCain. During his third trip to the state this year, Senator McCain told voters that 'Graham is the right person to turn things around'when it comes to our nation's security.
Take a look at some of the highlights from the weekend:
Foster's: "[McCain] Said He Is Campaigning With Graham Because He Believes Graham Is The Best Choice For The Country."
(Karen Dandurant, "McCain joins Graham on campaign trail,"
Foster's, 10/10/15)
"'I believe the people of New Hampshire are not swayed by political ads,' McCain said. 'You make up your own minds, based on what you see. Well, our country is in crisis right now and we need a candidate who can bring us back to what we were. I think that is Lindsey Graham.
"McCain spoke of the unrest in the Middle East and his opinion that Russia's Vladamir Putin is exploiting that because he senses weakness in the United States.
"'The next president has to reverse eight years of a decline in our power,' McCain said. 'That person is here today.'"
(Karen Dandurant, "McCain joins Graham on campaign trail," Foster's, 10/10/15)
From Visiting The Manchester Bingo Center...
Boston Herald: "McCain Urged The Group To Start A Buzz Around Town About Graham."
"McCain urged the group to start a buzz around town about Graham, who serves with him on the Senate Armed Services Committee. 'I don't care how much money you spend in New Hampshire. The people of New Hampshire examine the candidates,' McCain said. 'Consider this fellow. That's what I'm asking.'" (Laurel J. Sweet, "Lindsey Graham hopeful his experience will lead him to front of field," Boston Herald, 10/12/15)
To Town Hall Meetings...
To New Hampshire Style House Parties...
Union Leader: "South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham Made A Forceful Case That He Is The Best Presidential Candidate..."
"South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham made a forceful case that he is the best presidential candidate to tackle his two top priorities — 'too many terrorists and too much debt' — at a house party here Sunday afternoon... But he mostly focused on his passion: foreign policy and strengthening America abroad. A veteran who has made 35 trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, Graham said President Obama's withdrawal from Iraq and inaction in Syria have made the world more dangerous. Pointing to Obama's failure to follow through on his threat of a 'red line' when Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, Graham said, 'Russia and China saw that as weakness, and they're eating our lunch. And I'm tired of it.'" (Eli Okun, "Graham urges American strength at Hudson house party," Union Leader, 10/11/15)
OANN's Neil McCabe: "[Graham Believes] It Is His Personal Interaction With Voters That Will Put Him In The Lead."
" ...they liked what Graham and McCain had to say.
That included Vietnam War veteran Thomas Scanlon, 66, of Salem.
"'Sen. Graham has always stood up for veterans,' he said. 'Even if you disagree with them, you have to like what they have done for this country.'"
(Doug Ireland, "McCain stumps with Graham in Salem," Eagle Tribune, 10/10/15)
Related Images
Lindsey Graham, Graham Campaign Press Release - Graham's #FITN Tour: Weekend Campaigning With Senator John McCain Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project