Graham Campaign Press Release - Senator John McCain Joins Senator Lindsey Graham On The Campaign Trail
Washington Times: "Mr. McCain Urged Voters To Give Mr. Graham A Look, Saying [Graham] Has The Experience"
(Seth McLaughlin, "Lindsey Graham hits campaign trail in New Hampshire with John McCain," Washington Times, 08/02/15)
Alexandria, VA — On Saturday, Senator John McCain joined Senator Lindsey Graham on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. The two attended a BBQ at the Littleton VFW, sat down for a joint-interview with NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, held a town hall in Manchester, attended a house party in Bedford and finished the day at the Stars, Stripes and Strings Concert in Manchester. In case you missed it, check out some of the coverage the trip made over the weekend:
McCain: "What we're seeing here today is a beginning...of a wave of support for Lindsey Graham that will make him incredibly competitive before and when we reach the New Hampshire Primary."
(Mike Cronin, "Graham and McCain discuss importance of the New Hampshire primary," WMUR, 08/01/15)
The Associated Press: "Sen. John McCain, Graham's Friend And Two-Time New Hampshire Primary Winner Agrees [Graham Can Win In New Hampshire]"
"Sen. Lindsey Graham says he's confident he can win the Republican presidential primaries in New Hampshire and his home state of South Carolina, two of the first voting states in the nomination contest. 'I wouldn't be running in New Hampshire if I thought I couldn't win in New Hampshire,' he said. 'It will be good for the party to have my voice.' Sen. John McCain, Graham's friend and colleague and a two-time New Hampshire primary winner, agrees." (Kathleen Ronayne, "Graham says he can win New Hampshire and McCain agrees," The Associated Press, 08/02/15)
Union Leader: "The Town Hall Had An Immediate Payoff For Graham."
"The town hall had an immediate payoff for Graham. Before the event, Manchester voter Judy Ewen said she was reviewing the entire GOP field... After hearing Graham, the registered Republican said she liked him a lot. 'I tell you, he's moved up to the top,' she said." (Union Leader Staff, "Graham defends NSA policies at town hall session," Union Leader, 08/01/15)
Boston Herald: "A Roomful Of Voters Encircled Graham And McCain, Who Both Slammed President Obama For A Soft Approach To Foreign Policy."
"The United States faces the greatest risk of terrorist activity since 9/11 and national security will be a defining issue of the 2016 election, presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham told New Hampshire residents at a Town Hall-style gathering yesterday in Manchester...A roomful of voters encircled Graham and McCain, who both slammed President Obama for a soft approach to foreign policy...'There's a feckless foreign policy that's called leading from behind,' McCain said. 'It's shameful.'" (Lindsay Kalter, "Lindsey Graham: 'Perfect storm' brewing vs. U.S.," Boston Herald, 08/02/15)
Concord Monitor: McCain: "'Lindsey Graham Has Been Right Every Time' About Foreign Policy Decisions"
"At one point, McCain playfully ribbed Graham for his thick Southern accent, as well as his occupation as a lawyer, but the Arizona senator also heaped praise on his colleague. 'Lindsey Graham has been right every time' about foreign policy decisions, McCain said. Graham returned the praise. Making reference to a recent statement by fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump about McCain's Vietnam War service and time spent as a prisoner of war, Graham asked voters, 'what do you think? Is John McCain an American hero?' The crowd erupted into loud applause. 'I think the poll is in in New Hampshire,' Graham chuckled." (Ella Nilsen, "McCain asks New Hampshire voters to pay attention to Graham in 2016, Concord Monitor, 08/01/15)
Graham: "It Will Be Good For Our Party To Have My Voice" And "It Would Be Good For Our Country, I Think Humbly, If I'm The Next Commander-In-Chief." (Jose A. DelReal, "John McCain in New Hampshire: 'Lindsey Graham, he's my man!'" The Washington Post, 08/01/15)
The Washington Post: "[McCain] Was Asking Granite Staters For Their Votes...But This Time, Not For Himself. 'Lindsey Graham, He's My Man!'"
"He was asking Granite Staters for their votes in the first-in-the-nation primary. But this time, not for himself. 'Lindsey Graham, he's my man!' McCain declared with a chuckle, as people pushed toward him with their cameras...Smoke from grilled hotdogs and burgers hovered over the scene as the two made their way through the crowd. The two longtime friends swept across the Granite State on Saturday — from Manchester to the North Country and back, in matching khakis and blue shirts — speaking to hundreds of voters in hopes of jump-starting Graham's...presidential campaign." (Jose A. DelReal, "John McCain in New Hampshire: 'Lindsey Graham, he's my man!'" The Washington Post, 08/01/15)
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Lindsey Graham, Graham Campaign Press Release - Senator John McCain Joins Senator Lindsey Graham On The Campaign Trail Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project