My dear Mr. McCullen:
The observance of the centennial of the founding of the Ancient Order of Hibernians turns our thoughts backward into American history, in every phase of which the Irish have borne so notable a part. To all who are taking part in the centennial celebration I send hearty felicitations.
The year 1836 seems far away to us; and yet the Irish began their migration to America long before that. They made their special contributions to the upbuilding of this country in the Colonial and Revolutionary periods and from the beginning of our life as a Nation down to this centennial year of the A.O.H. their activities have been manifold.
We must not forget that it was an Irish Colonial Governor, Thomas Dongan, afterwards Earl of Limerick, who gave the City of New York its first charter in 1686. There is not time to enlarge upon the constructive contributions which the Irish have made in the upbuilding of New York and of the United States from Dongan's day down to our own.
In peace and in war they have been in the forefront of all activity. New York has not forgotten and can never forget the old Sixty-ninth Regiment of Infantry—the "fighting Irish" of song and story.
With deep appreciation do we recall the services of the successor of the old Sixty-ninth, the One Hundred Sixty-fifth Infantry Regiment in the Rainbow Division. And that brings to mind a gallant figure whose name is forever associated with the One Hundred Sixty-fifth Regiment. I counted him among my dearest friends. He was in our midst but a few short years ago; his passing brought sorrow to all hearts; his memory is in benediction. Father Duffy was characteristically Irish in the apostolic zeal of his ministry, in the fervor of his patriotism and in his love and good-will toward all men. I know he will have a place in the hearts of all who take part in this celebration. I like to think of Father Duffy as typical of the great race which has given so much to America.
Very sincerely yours,
Edward J. McCullen, Esq.,
Ancient Order of Hibernians,
New York City.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Greeting on the Centennial of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project