Franklin D. Roosevelt

Greeting to the World's Christian Endeavor Convention in Melbourne, Australia.

June 15, 1938

Dear Dr. Poling:

There is something inspiring and soul-stirring about the very scope of the Tenth World's Christian Endeavor Convention to be held in Melbourne, Australia. The fact that Christians from all parts of the world are to make a far journey to Melbourne demonstrates that the message of the Nazarene is a vital and compelling force in the lives of millions of men and women.

This is most reassuring in a world in which the forces of greed and avarice and a disregard of fundamental human rights have brought disaster and despair where peace and plenty and true happiness should reign supreme. We regret that sorrow and heavy burdens are the possession of many; but we do not abandon hope.

I have said, and I desire to reiterate it to this body of Christians gathered from many lands, that what this weary world most needs is a revival of the spirit of religion. Would that such a revival could sweep the nations today and stir the hearts of men and women of all faiths to a reassertion of their belief in the Providence of God and the brotherhood of man. I doubt if there is in the world a single problem, whether social, political, or economic, which would not find ready solution if men and nations would rule their lives according to the plain teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

In sending my greetings to the Tenth World's Christian Endeavor Convention may I express the hope that its deliberations will turn the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere toward this great but simple truth.

Very sincerely yours,

Reverend Daniel A. Poling, D.D.,

President, The World's Christian Endeavor Union,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Greeting to the World's Christian Endeavor Convention in Melbourne, Australia. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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