Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Chris Sununu: Nikki Haley Can Deliver a Republican Landslide

December 13, 2023

New Hampshire Union Leader by Chris Sununu

I am enthusiastically endorsing Nikki Haley for president of the United States, and I am asking New Hampshire voters to join me in being a part of this movement. We must support the best conservative candidate in this race who can win in November 2024 to deliver results in 2025.

New Hampshire has never looked to candidates of the past who had their chance but failed to deliver on their promises. We never settle — we look to the future and the candidate that can offer a fresh vision with real opportunity to deliver on their promises. In six short weeks, Granite Staters will head to the polls in record numbers and uphold our 100-year responsibility of hosting the First in the Nation Primary. We have an obligation to get it right — and Nikki Haley is the best person for the job.

The polling is clear — Nikki is the best Republican candidate to beat the Democrats this November. Just this week, a new poll from the Wall Street Journal showed that in a head-to-head matchup with President Joe Biden, Nikki Haley beats him by 17 points — an astronomical number that should give confidence and momentum to Republican candidates up and down the ballot. With Nikki Haley at the top of the ticket, Republicans will win the presidency, the United States Senate and House, retain the New Hampshire governor's office, and expand majorities in our state legislature. With Trump at the top of the ticket, Republicans have consistently lost races we should have won — just look at 2018, 2020, and the 2022 red wave that never materialized.

While Donald Trump is running to save himself, Nikki Haley is running to save America. First elected to statewide office as part of the 2010 Tea Party wave, Nikki Haley energized South Carolinians in her race for governor and never looked back. As governor, she balanced budgets and prioritized limited government and local control. As the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, she took on China and Russia, and understands that world peace comes from American strength. She stands with our allies in Israel and Ukraine. She will crack down on illegal immigration and stop the flow of deadly fentanyl pouring over our southern border. In these uncertain times, she offers a steady hand to right the ship here at home and abroad.

Nikki Haley is surging in New Hampshire because she's running a true "Live Free or Die" campaign. She's pounding the pavement, meeting voters in their living rooms, holding town halls, and going diner-to-diner. She's not just talking wherever she goes, she's listening — and that's what it takes to be a great leader. She's looked us in the eye, answered our questions, and taken the time to build trust.

Polls indicate Donald Trump will likely win the Iowa Caucus. Once that happens, the nation will turn its eyes towards New Hampshire. We pride ourselves on our independent streak, and there is no better way to show it than by catapulting Nikki Haley to a strong showing here, providing her with the opportunity to take on Donald Trump one-on-one in the months ahead.

Unlike many states, New Hampshire allows undeclared voters — independents, who account for about a third of our electorate — to vote in our primary. With a stagnant race on the Democrat side as Joe Biden skips over New Hampshire, it's fair to assume many independents will select Republican ballots next year. My message to the independents of New Hampshire is simple: To move on from the drama, chaos, and whining of Donald Trump, the best choice is Nikki Haley.

I have always said, you cannot govern if you cannot win. I consider Governors Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie friends, and I believe they would both make strong presidents. But in 2024, Republicans must unite around the candidate that has the best chance at defeating Donald Trump in the primary so that we can get back to winning up and down the ballot.

A divided field with multiple candidates only helps to insulate Donald Trump from facing his record and his failures. We must consolidate behind one candidate — the candidate who has the best chance of victory — because without a clearly defined opponent, he will hide until the primary process is over. We have an opportunity to pull Trump out of his shadow by nominating Nikki Haley. I hope you will join me on Tuesday, January 23rd, in voting Nikki Haley for president.

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Chris Sununu: Nikki Haley Can Deliver a Republican Landslide Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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