Haley Campaign Press Release - Debate Verdict: Haley Is the Tough, Substantive Leader America Needs
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. – The verdict is in: Nikki Haley proved she has conservative solutions to the biggest issues facing Americans. From the economy to immigration to education to health care to China to energy, Haley offered specifics. She didn't shy away from pointing out her opponents' dangerous policies, including Vivek Ramaswamy's support for TikTok, Donald Trump's failure to prioritize the larger Chinese threat, and Ron DeSantis' ban on fracking and offshore drilling.
Tonight, Haley showed she has toughness and experience to stand up for America. She will reverse the damage wrought by Bidenomics. She will defend America from her enemies. She will make America strong and proud.
Here's what people are saying.
Matt Mackowiak: Nikki Haley is consistently impressive. #GOPdebate
David Drucker, The Dispatch: Haley has prolly gained the most since the first debate, and apparently nobody on stage wants a piece of her
Tara Palmeri, Puck: ??This is a big night for Nikki Haley. So far, she's stepped up.
Jim Merrill: Great, comprehensive answer from @NikkiHaley on education reform, freedom and choice. Very well done.
Daily Caller: @NikkiHaley: "We've got to get parents back included - quit spending time on this DEI and CRT."
The Family Leader: In tonight's #RepublicanDebate #GOPDebate, @NikkiHaley backs #parents, #schoolchoice, and transparency in schools:"No parents should ever wonder what is being taught in the classroom." #ChooseWell2024
ABC News: Former SC Gov. Nikki Haley advocates for vocational education when asked about education reform: "Let's put vocational classes back in our high schools and let's get our kids building the things that we know that we can make."
Somos Republicanos: Many residents of Eagle Pass and Maverick County have mentioned @NikkiHaley's visit to Eagle Pass. They appreciate that and have said they plan on casting their ballot for Nikki Haley during the March Primary based on not only her visit, but her border security plan!
Hugh Hewitt: Vivek-slayer Nikki Haley does it again on the Tik Tok question. "I feel dumber every time I hear you. We can't trust you." Gonna leave another mark.
Philip Melanchthon Wegmann, Real Clear Politics: Nikki Haley begins unloading on Vivek Ramaswamy by saying, "And honestly, every time I hear you I feel a little bit dumber."
National Review: @jimgeraghty: Yowza! Nikki Haley snaps at Ramaswamy. You can tell that the candidates on stage who have actually served in elected office see Ramaswamy as a shallow, ill-informed, slick snake oil salesman, and have absolutely zero respect for him.
The Bastion Institute: "We're gonna go after China, because China is the one sending the fentanyl in the first place. And we will end all normal trade relations until China stops sending fentanyl.." - @NikkiHaley #GOPDebate
Peter Hamby, Puck News: This was the best moment of the night. Helped Nikki, exposed Vivek's incoherence and hypocrisy, good dunk that was policy adjacent (China/TikTok)
Garrett Haake, NBC News: Audible reaction in the media filing center when @NikkiHaley goes Billy Madison on @VivekGRamaswamy with her "Every time I hear you I feel a little bit dumber" line
Ronald Brownstein, CNN: Haley is brutally effective at filleting Vivek, but her taking him down again is a little like the Mets celebrating if they knock the Marlins out of the playoffs while they are both 1000 games behind the Braves. #GOPDebate
Stephanie Murray, The Messenger: "A win for Russia is a win for China. But I forgot. You like China," Nikki Haley says to Vivek Ramaswamy
Washington Post Opinions: @marcthiessen @jimgeraghty @jawillick @henryolsenEPPC @mkhammer @RameshPonnuru "Nikki Haley and I come from the same school of public speaking, with a specialty in Cannot Possibly Control My Face When People Are Saying Insane Things Around Me." - @mkhammer "Nikki Haley's answer on cartels and China is excellent." - @marcthiessen
David M. Drucker, The Dispatch: I think that critique from Haley is the first attack DeSantis has fielded in two debates.
Stephanie Murray, The Messenger: Nikki Haley takes a swing at Ron DeSantis! "You banned fracking. You banned offshore drilling. You did it on federal lands."
Chris Cillizza: Nikki Haley has attacked Vivek, DeSantis and Scott, right? And took a shot at Trump too.
Caitlin Huey-Burns, CBS News: Nikki Haley's "Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber" line is effective in part because it's how real people talk, not these canned politician lines we've been hearing throughout the night.
NH Journal: @votetimscott @RonDeSantis @VivekGRamaswamy @NHGOP And @NikkiHaley throws down on @RonDeSantis banning fracking and offshore oil drilling. He denies it. "Check it! Check it!," Haley says.
Daily Caller: .@NikkiHaley SCORCHES Sen. Tim Scott: "12 years. Where have you been?...12 years we've waited and nothing has happened."
Comfortably Smug: Holy shit Nikki is dunking on Tim Scott
The Wall Street Journal: Nikki Haley disappeared for the first hour of the #GOPDebate, but came back strong in the second half, tangling with Vivek Ramaswamy over Ukraine and taking on Gov. Ron DeSantis over his energy policy
Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Debate Verdict: Haley Is the Tough, Substantive Leader America Needs Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369884