Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley on Fox and Friends: "Eliminate Hamas."

October 11, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – This morning on Fox and Friends, Nikki Haley defended Israel's right to self-defense calling for the Jewish State to "eliminate Hamas."

On defending Israel at the UN...

"... when I was at the UN, this was so much of what I did, because they were constantly hitting on Israel and I really wanted to go and say, 'In order for me to defend Israel, do the Palestinians have a point?' And what I can tell you is, I was at Aida refugee camp, and I saw the graffiti on the walls that was just spewing hate against Jews. I saw the schools where we constantly fought about the fact that the textbooks, this is oversimplifying, but it would basically say, 'If you have five Jews and you kill four Jews, how many Jews are left?' That's what they were teaching the kids in the school."

On Hamas using schools and hospitals as shields...

"I was in the tunnels from Gaza into Israel. I saw where they have the ammunition, where they go and they put all that equipment... They purposely put these tunnels underneath schools, underneath hospitals, because they don't value life. That's the biggest thing that was my takeaway. If they valued life, they'd never put those school kids in danger."

On what Israel's military needs to do...

"We can never forget what they did to 1,200 people. They didn't just murder them. I mean, they tortured them. And we can see that with the beheadings and everything else. This is sick. And we have to treat sick people the way they deserve to be treated and eliminate them...

"...I think their number one priority should be to eliminate Hamas. They have dealt with this literally for years where they're constantly trying to kill Israelis. They need to eliminate them."

On liberals refusing to condemn Hamas' actions...

"Israel used to be a bipartisan issue. It used to be one that Republicans and Democrats agree on. Now you look at progressives, now you look at the far left, I don't know how they justify the beheadings. I don't know how they justify 1,200 people dead. I don't know how they justify the torture. That's between them and God. I don't understand it and I don't want to understand it."

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley on Fox and Friends: "Eliminate Hamas." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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