Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley Takes Questions Town Hall Style on Fox News

September 20, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – This morning, presidential candidate Nikki Haley joined the hosts of Fox and Friends for a live voter panel made up of millennials and Gen Z Americans. True to form, Haley answered every question from antisemitism, to inflation, to our southern border.

On the U.S.-Israel relationship and antisemitism...

"Israel is a great partner to us. It's a bright spot in a tough neighborhood and too many people think that Israel needs America. That's not the case, America needs Israel.

"They are the front lines of defense for Iran, what we need to do is remind everybody hate is hate. Whether it's racism, whether it's antisemitism, there is no place for it and it needs to be dealt with that way. And so on college campuses, if they don't have programs designed to combat hate, and that includes antisemitism, their funding should be pulled. It's that simple."

On how Haley will tackle inflation...

"Biden has taken us down this socialism creep that we have to stop, but let's be honest. Biden did this to us, but our Republicans did this to us too—the massive amounts of spending. They passed that $2.2 trillion COVID stimulus bill with no accountability. It left us with 90 million Americans on Medicaid, 42 million Americans on food stamps... we have to cut up the credit cards...

"It's expensive to go to the grocery store, it's expensive to put gas in your car, it's expensive for y'all to pay rent, and even afford a home. We need to be energy dominant. We need to make sure that we stop the spending. We need to focus on what really matters, which is paying down the debt... We've had too many lawyers in the White House, I think it's time we have an accountant in the White House."

On the southern border crisis...

"I think, first of all, let's give credit to Greg Abbott for going and showing these liberal cities what it feels like to be in Texas.

"But the first thing we do is we do a national E-Verify program so that we can make sure that we know exactly which companies are hiring people. We go back to the Remain in Mexico policy. We put 25,000 Border Patrol and ICE agents on the ground and let them do their job. And instead of catch-and-release we go to catch-and-deport. We have to stop this. America is a country of laws—the second we stop being a country of laws we give up everything our country was founded on."

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley Takes Questions Town Hall Style on Fox News Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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