Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley on Trump on CNN: "He's completely unhinged."

February 12, 2024

COLUMBIA, S.C. – This afternoon Nikki Haley joined CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss Trump's mockery of the military and his unhinged behavior and comments.

On Trump's mockery of the military…

"It's disgusting. And let's take me and Michael out of it. If you're going to go and criticize a combat veteran, you criticize one veteran, you're criticizing all of them. But this continues to be a pattern of what he's doing. Whether he's sitting there calling them 'suckers,' whether he's in Arlington Cemetery saying 'why would they do this?' not understanding that no, my husband is not with me in a presidential campaign because he's serving our country. I'm incredibly proud of him and every man and woman that serves for our country and are willing to shed blood for our country. But the idea that he thinks that you can talk about this so carelessly is a problem. Because if you don't understand that it's their shoulders we stand on, if you don't understand that everybody knows someone who has either lost their life or served this country in a way that's allowed us to keep our freedoms, that is not someone who deserves to be commander-in-chief."

On Americans being tired of the same old politicians…

"The majority of Americans don't want Biden. And now you have 59% of Americans who have said that Trump and Biden are too old. At what point are we going to say we need a new generational leader? At what point are we going to look at Congress and say maybe they need to leave their power and turn it over to a younger generation of people? Because what you've seen out of Biden and Trump, all they're doing is talking about themselves. We saw Biden. The special counsel says that he, you know, is mentally deficient. He comes out, he gives a press conference, he's angry, and then he gets some things wrong again. But then we see Trump. He goes out and he does a rally, goes two minutes off the prompter, and he's completely unhinged. My question is, when we have a country in disarray and a world on fire, why are we really going to let it come down to two 80-year-olds running for president, when we need someone who can serve eight years, fully disciplined, fully willing to work to get our country back on track? It's a wake-up call for everybody."

On NATO's success story…

"First of all, in the administration, he talked many times about getting out of NATO behind closed doors and publicly, that's just a fact. But the idea that he would side with a thug, the idea that Trump is saying that not only is he not going to defend our allies who were with us after 9/11, by the way. That he's also going to tell Putin to go ahead and encourage him to invade them is unthinkable. The idea that he is siding with a man who kills his opponents. The idea that he's siding with Putin, who's holding Evan Gershkovich just for doing his job. The idea that he would side with a man who has made it very clear that he wants to defeat America. One, personally, as the wife of a combat veteran, that's the last thing you want to hear from someone who wants to be commander-in-chief, because that means he's not going to watch out for the men and women in the military. Secondly, that means he's not going to watch out for our friends. Do the NATO countries need to pay more? Yes, we should always push them to carry their weight. But at the same time, understand NATO is a success story."

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley on Trump on CNN: "He's completely unhinged." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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