Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Half-Time Verdict: Nikki Haley Will Stand Up to Bullies

August 23, 2023

MILWAUKEE, WI — It's only half time and one thing is already clear: Nikki Haley has the toughness to be America's next president. She brought that same toughness to the South Carolina political establishment as governor. She brought it to the dictators and murderers at the UN. She brought it to tonight's debate. And that's exactly what America needs in our next president.

Here's what people are saying.

Overall performance

Chris Cillizza: Best first half hour:1. Nikki Haley 2. Ramaswamy

Kevin Madden: Nikki Haley probably the most natural political athlete on stage and showing it tonight. Frank Lutz: Nikki Haley has never been as good as she is tonight. Sharp, solid, and compelling in every response. #GOPDebate

Erick Erickson: Host Erick Erickson Show: If the debate ended at this moment, Nikki Haley would dominate the conversation.


Daily Wire: Ambassador Nikki Haley blasts federal spending and the COVID stimulus bill, blaming both Democrats and Republicans. "Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt. Our kids will never forgive us for this." "It's time for an accountant in the White House."

National Review: Nikki Haley is the first candidate to criticize Trump in any fashion on the stage." - @jackbutler4815

New York Post: First 2024 Republican debate live updates: Haley unleashes on Scott, DeSantis, Pence, and Trump: 'Time for an accountant'

Frank Lutz: Nikki Haley's attack on both parties' fiscal irresponsibility was a big audience winner. #GOPDebate

Sahil Kapur: Senior National Political Reporter – NBC News: Nikki Haley launches a broadside at Trump plus DeSantis, Pence and others who supported his big spending. "Biden didn't do this to us; our Republicans did this to us too," Haley says. "Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt, and our kids are never going to forgive us."

S.E. Cupp: Republicans did this to us, too." @NikkiHaley comes out swinging against GOP spending. #GOPDebate

Caitlin Huey-Burns: CBS News Political Correspondent: Nikki Haley comes out swinging against Republicans on federal spending, calling out Trump, DeSantis, Pence, and Scott all by name.

Jackson Richman: Washington Correspondent Epoch Times: At #GOPDebate, @NikkiHaley reiterating talking point that both Dems, including Biden, and GOP, responsible for national debt. Called out other candidates, including Pence, for adding to the national debt. #FoxNewsDebate

Tom LoBianco: National political reporter - The Messenger: "You got Ron DeSantis, you got Tim Scott, you got Mike Pence, they all voted to raise the debt," Haley in multiple shots #GOPDebate

Caitlin Byrd: Senior Politics Reporter Post and Courier: Haley continues: "At the end of the day, you look at the 2024 budget. Republicans asked for $7.4 billion in earmarks. Democrats asked for $2.8 billion. So you tell me who are the big spenders. I think it's time for the accountant in the White House." #scpol

Larry Sharpe: Host of The Sharpe Way: Nikki Haley hammering all the establishment! Nice. #GOPDebate

MSNBC: @HayesBrown: The applause Nikki Haley got was definitely louder than I expected after slamming her fellow Republicans.

Alex Thompson: National Political Correspondent Axios: So far, Nikki Haley the only one I've heard directly criticize Trump. "Biden didn't do this to us; our Republicans did this to us, too ...Trump added $8 trillion to our debt and our kids are never going to forgive us for this."

ABC News: Former South Carolina Gov. Haley: "I think it's time for an accountant in the White House. #GOPDebate

"If you want something done..."

Susan Crabtree: RealClearPolitics White House & Natl. Political Correspondent: Nkki Hailey interjects into the fight between Ramaswamy and Christie: "This is why Margaret Thatcher said, 'If you want something said, ask a man, if you want something done, ask a woman.'" Great line for the only woman on the stage.

National Review: Haley, the only woman on the stage, quotes Margaret Thatcher: "If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."' - @StrackHaley

David Kochel: Great @NikkiHaley moment invoking Thatcher! Huge in the room.

Arsen Ostrovsky: In a sea of men at the #GOPDebate, Nikki Haley invokes Margaret Thatcher, saying: "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman."


Amanda Becker: Politics & Washington 19 The News: Nikki Haley bringing some REAL TALK to Pence about what can realistically be accomplished re abortion in Congress and how women shouldn't be manipulated on this issue.

Noah Rothman: Senior Writer NRO: Very refreshing to hear a presidential candidate acknowledge the limits of executive power and the bully pulpit.

Dylan Wells: Campaign Reporter Washington Post: "Let's treat this like the like a respectful issue that it is and humanize the situation and stop demonizing the situation," Haley said of abortion, urging consensus and echoing her abortion address earlier this year.

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Half-Time Verdict: Nikki Haley Will Stand Up to Bullies Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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