Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Moms for Liberty Co-Founder: "This is why so many moms love Nikki Haley"

September 06, 2023

MANCHESTER, N.H. – Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice praised Nikki Haley during their joint interview on Fox and Friends this morning: "This is why so many moms love Nikki Haley, because she's standing up as a mom fighting for kids."

Haley and Justice joined Fox and Friends this morning to discuss their joint "Parents In Charge" town hall in New Hampshire today.

On mental competency and term limits...

"To me, I think the fact is the mental competency test, it's not a disqualifier. It's something just like when you go and apply for office, you give your financial disclosures. You should have to disclose from a doctor your mental competency test. It's for transparency purposes. So the people that are electing you have full disclosure as to whether you can handle it. There are some very active 75 year olds there, some very old 75 year olds. We see that with Biden... We need to have term limits so you don't stay there forever. We've got problems with both, right now. I have said many times the Senate's the most privileged nursing home in the country."

On parental rights being under attack...

"As parents, we shouldn't be turning the custody of our children over to the teachers unions. Right now, you've got all of the unions trying to mandate everything about our kids. We should be in control of the health of our kids, the moral clarity of our kids, and the education of our kids.

"We should be able to say what we want our kids to have and not have. The fact that they're bringing masks back, the fact that they don't want to let parents know a transgender status of a student without the student's permission. They are trying to take parenting away from parents. What Tiffany and I are fighting for today is knowing that the parents are in charge. The parents get to make these decisions."

On new mask mandates...

"The parents can decide whether they want their children to go to school when there's a possible outbreak or not. But don't sit there and mask them back up. We're already dealing with kids, dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety. And these younger kids, they have to see their teachers' faces. They have to be able to know that to learn."

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Moms for Liberty Co-Founder: "This is why so many moms love Nikki Haley" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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