Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - More Trump Lies on Haley's Immigration Record

January 08, 2024

CHARLESTON, S.C — Don't listen to what Trump says; look at what he does. In this case, look at the $5.8 million he and his team are spending against Nikki Haley to try and blunt her rising momentum. "Try" being the operative word.

The Trump super PAC's latest ad is a master class in shameless lying, or, "Fake News." After PolitiFact rated Trump's lies about Haley's immigration record "false," his super PAC spit out an ad with the same drivel.

"When Donald Trump was still a Hillary Clinton-supporting liberal, Nikki Haley passed one of the toughest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country," said Haley communications director Nachama Soloveichik. "This is clearly a two-person race between Trump's debunked lies and Nikki's vision for a strong and proud America."

LIE: Haley opposed Trump's border wall.

TRUTH: Haley supports building a border wall. She opposed building "just" a wall exclusively, arguing that we need a comprehensive approach that includes drones, planes, border agents, infrastructure, and more.

Haley's full comments: "What does that mean to you in terms of your commitment to work with Congress to actually secure the border? Don't say you're just going to build a wall. Because a wall is not going to do it. You've got to have commitment of ground troops, equipment, money, all of that to bring it together. Then you're being serious about tackling illegal immigration." (National Press Club, ~44:53, 9/02/15)

LIE: Haley opposed Trump's travel ban.

TRUTH: Haley supported banning travel for people from countries with serious terrorist activity, but opposed religious tests. Trump himself dropped his support for a Muslim ban that was widely panned as unconstitutional in favor of a travel ban from countries posing a national security risk. The Supreme Court upheld the third version of Trump's ban specifically because "the text says nothing about religion."

Haley defended Trump's revised travel ban as UN Ambassador multiple times because it targeted geographic areas with serious terrorist activity and not religious countries or individuals.

LIE: Haley doesn't think illegal aliens are law-breakers.

TRUTH: Haley has always opposed illegal immigration and talked about being a country of law and order. In 2011, she passed one of the toughest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country and spoke passionately about America being a country of laws.

The 2015 comments reflect Haley's belief that not every illegal immigrant is a hardened criminal, but they still have to follow the law.

Haley's 2015 comments: "I think that what we have to remember, and I have always believed, is that we are a country of laws, that's what makes us strong. We have to always be a country of laws. So it's incredibly frustrating for a lot of people when they see the illegal immigrants being able to come across. It really is astonishing that after all of these years, D.C. hasn't figured out how to build a wall. It really is, after all of what they spend."

LIE: Haley supports amnesty.

TRUTH: Haley has never supported amnesty and there is no evidence to support this claim.

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - More Trump Lies on Haley's Immigration Record Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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