Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - New Poll: Haley "Stomps" On Biden In a General Election

September 07, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – A new CNN poll shows that Nikki Haley is the only Republican presidential candidate who decisively beats Joe Biden in a general election. This poll confirms what many Democrats and Republicans are saying: Democrats are terrified of running against Nikki Haley.

According to Politico Playbook, "when you ask President Joe Biden's brain trust who they're really worried about, you'll hear one name. 'If they nominate Nikki Haley, we're in trouble,' said a senior Democratic strategist close to the Biden campaign."

On FOX News yesterday, Haley pointed out that the Biden campaign is attacking her because they are worried about running against her: "You should be worried. I would stomp all over Joe Biden and I would call Kamala Harris out like I have been."

What They Are Saying

The Hill: Biden trails Haley, polling neck-and-neck with other Republicans

The Washington Examiner: Nikki Haley posts best numbers against Biden in potential 2024 matchups: Poll

Fox News: "1 Republican candidate leads Biden in hypothetical matchup, poll finds, Nikki Haley performed better against Biden than former President Trump and Florida Gov Ron DeSantis"

National Review: Haley has largest lead over Biden of any GOP candidate in new poll

The Daily Caller: New poll reveals which GOP candidates beat Biden — and which ones don't

CNN: "Haley stands as the only GOP candidate to hold a lead over Biden, with 49% to Biden's 43% in a hypothetical match between the two. That difference is driven at least in part by broader support for Haley than for other Republicans among White voters with college degrees (she holds 51% of that group, compared with 48% or less for other Republicans tested in the poll)."

Poppy Harlow and Phil Mattingly on CNN: "Federal matchups between Biden and the leading GOP presidential candidates. It's a tight race with no clear winner...Except for Nikki Haley. When this hypothetical matchup is leading President Biden by six points."

David Chalian on CNN: "So that explains when we look at these hypothetical matchups against the Republican candidates, why Joe Biden, everything we just said, this is why it's a margin of error race, except, as you noted, for one candidate—Nikki Haley, the only Republican who's actually besting him outside the margin of error, 49 to 43."

The Hill: "When asked about hypothetical matchups between Biden and one of the major GOP candidates, there was no clear leader in most of the polls except for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. When matched up against Biden, Haley led him 49 percent to 43 percent."

The Messenger: Haley jumps out to 6-point lead over Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup: poll

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - New Poll: Haley "Stomps" On Biden In a General Election Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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