Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley Calls on Biden to Stop Sending Administration Officials to China

August 07, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – In the wake of news that China and Russia conducted a joint naval patrol last week off the coast of Alaska, presidential candidate Nikki Haley called on the Biden administration to stop sending his administration officials to China to appease the communist regime.

"China is testing the United States, and Joe Biden is failing," Nikki Haley said. "Every time China crosses a line, Biden sends another administration official to Beijing to make nice—and make fools out of us. The only way to get China to back off is to deal with Beijing from a position of strength—not weakness."

As the Wall Street Journal wrote yesterday: "In the new era of great power competition, Russia, China and Iran are building an axis to challenge U.S. power. The naval patrol is best understood as a warning that U.S. territory isn't safe, as well as a test of how the U.S. will respond. The world is getting more dangerous, and a complacent U.S. political class isn't educating the public about the growing threats."

Over the past few months, Joe Biden sent three members of his administration to China. Treasury Secretary Yellen assured China that U.S. investment restrictions won't "fundamentally" hurt China. Climate Czar John Kerry urged the United States to ignore China's many horrific crimes and focus on climate policy. In two weeks, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is set to visit China.

Enough. If Joe Biden doesn't have the spine to be tough with China and demand accountability, he should stop sending his administration officials and stop embarrassing the United States.

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley Calls on Biden to Stop Sending Administration Officials to China Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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